Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some seriously cool people...

I have to admit, I have never really been a big fan of biography/autobiography books. I guess most of the time when I read, I read for the appeal of escaping my "normal" life, so reading about someone else's life didn't seem too exciting. What I didn't realize, though, was that looking at the world through someone else's eyes is a way of escaping one's daily grind after all, and can also prove to be quite inspirational. I remember reading a biography when I was in high school that really resonated with me because of the dedication of this woman. . . Marie Curie, chemist from the late 19th century. I remember it blew my mind how this woman jumped into what was definitely a man's area at the time, and made a pretty huge splash, winning 2, count them, 2 Nobel Prizes in the process. What person have you read about that turned out to be interesting or motivating for you. Why do you think this is?


  1. Bat Boy by Mike Lupica

    I read about Jason McCelwain. He is an autistic student and is the Manager of his varsity boys basketball team and gets the chance to play in his senior game. He motivates me to do better in basketball because he motivates his own team throughout the whole season. I look up to him because he is a good person and is always positive and always looking for ways to help others.

  2. Title: Shadow Kiss
    Author: Rachelle Mead

    Response to Question:

    A person that interested me would probably have had to of been Rosa Parks. A black woman that stood up for her rights against the whites to gain respect and a seat on the bus. The man she stood up to was in need of a good yelling, and back then a black didn't dare stand up for themselves against a white folk. Rosa was truly an inspiration to me.

  3. The After
    By:Amy Efaw
    I have read the book Small Steps: The Year I got Polio by Peg Kehret. I had the story read to me in elementary school and in later years purchased the book. I could read the book over and over. Pegs’ story is so inspirational and really teaches you to not take things for granted. I think the way she describes her disease and how she goes through medical treatment really puts you in your place.

  4. Delirium by Lauren Olivers
    I read the book Soul Surfer. It is about a girl who lost her arm to a shark while surfing, but with hard-work and dedication, she was able to get back onto the board. Its a really inspiring story that was turned into a movie a while back. Its amazing how someone can experience something so devastating than have such a comeback.

  5. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
    Someone that I have read about was Marin Luther King Jr., I found him to be a very interesting and motivating person because he had a dream and he went after it. He never let anyone or anything stand in his way and what he felt he deserved he strived for, and that's the way it should be for everyone, if you feel that you want or need something, go after it. If you fail, it's life, if you succeed you realize you've done something just as great as the next.

  6. Whitetail nation by Peter Bodo
    I have read about Jim carrey he is just the most funniest person that has been on screen. One of his movie he's been in is the mask he turns in to a cartoon when he puts this mask on it is so funny. Because he is funny and it fun to watch a movie or show when it has funny people.

  7. Ghost In The Machine byPatrick Carman
    I read a biography about Brett Favre when I was in 7th grade and I was very interested in the life that he had going through two car accidents and he was addicted to Vicodin for a long time. It was all very interesting what I didn't know about him.

  8. The Lost Boy by: Dave Pelzer
    In the book The Lost Boy David is a young boy who lives with his mother; she beats him. He lives in his garage, wears the same clothes everyday, doesn't get to eat, and his mother makes him her slave. David's teacher's turn his mom into the police where they take him under their custody. He was put on trial to determine if he wanted to live with his new foster parent or go back home to live with his mother. David's courage inspired me that I should make the right decision for what is best for me.

  9. I am reading Liar Liar by Gary Paulsen. I read/watched the story called radio. It is about a boy who has a disease and he walks around all day, and one day the head coach of the football team asked him to be the manager of the football. The head coach took him to every game and he even managed the basketball team and became part of the school. I remember because i was really touching to see that one little thing can turn someones life around.

  10. The Acorn People
    By: Ron Jones

    The book that i am reading is about a guy that has just started his summer off as being a camp counselor trying to make a little extra money on the side. The thing is that he has to help with these kids that have a disability in some way or another. when helping these kids he is deciding wether to stay at this camp or going to leave. He ends up staying at this camp and helping these kids.In reading this book it has made me want to help kids that have a disability of some sort too. This book has really been a eye changer in how I look at things.

  11. The Bride Wore Scarlet
    Liz Carlyle
    I honestly don't remember any autobiographies or biographies that I might have read that motivated me. But I would say that the books I like to read the most are about females who prove that we are not a weak gender and that we can kick butt. Especially when the book is about a girl going under cover in a mans world and happens to be one of the better stronger men and at the end of the book/series her gender is revealed and thee people who didn't know her gender are flabbergasted.

  12. Found By: Margaret Peterson

    I read a biography on Ronald Regean, and i was fascinated with it because it showed me how he became famous. I saw it as normal people could just as easily be like him if they wanted to. i even felt some comparisons between my life story with his. So to be honest, feel we enjoy reading about other peoples lives, to see how we can make ours different, in way like how they made theirs different.

  13. Heaven is for Real By: Todd Burpo

    I have read the book A child called it. It was an autobiography about a boy named Dave Pelzer who was beaten and starved by his mother. HIs mom no longer considered him a son but instead a slave and an "it". This was one of the most sever child abuse cases in California. His dreams were the only thing that kept him alive. That story makes me thankful for my family and how good of a life I live. It wil also motivate me when I become a mother to treat my kids well.

  14. Rucker Park Setup
    Paul Volponi
    I read a book about Scottie Pippen. It told about his life when he was little and how he became a basketball player. It was really inspiring because he was from a smaller town and didn't have the money to go to college and finally made a career out of basketball.

  15. Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King.

    I read a book about Edwin Hubble that I found interesting. His motivation to become a astronomer while facing so much opposition from his family was inspiring to me. The work that he put into getting a scholarship to a college in England was interesting. The long hours he worked in the cold mountains making his discoveries also made me appreciate how good the conditions are that I have. I think that the main reason I found this motivating is because I am interested in similar topics as he was as a child.

  16. The Last Thing I Remember
    By: Andrew Klavan
    I read and biography about Abraham Lincoln. It was about his life as a president and how he changed the lives of people. He did that by changing slavery and opposed it. He touched many Americans before he was assassinated. He also said that all men are equal.

  17. Something Borrowed By: Emily Griffin

    The only biography I remember reading was about Michael Phelps. He had just broken the record for most gold metals so I decided to read his book. At first what I found interesting about him was his physical traits. When watching the Olympics on t.v. the announcers would always make comments about how he had the ideal physical structure to be a swimmer, such as a really long torso and long arms. What I found motivating about him was that he was a natural athlete but instead of just settling with what he had, he worked incredibly hard and became even better. I think this was interesting because I see some good athletes around me, but they are too lazy to reach their full potential. I enjoyed reading about someone who took the next step to become great.

  18. I'm reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I read an interesting biography about Elizabeth Blackwell. She was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States and her story was amazing. I think her determination to succeed was motivating. I was impressed by her desire to become a surgeon and was disappointed when she was unable to accomplish this task. She continued to work toward her goal and became a doctor. This inspired me to become a doctor. I think her story was interesting and motivating because she shared some of my goals and proved that hard work does payoff.

  19. All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris
    I read about a women named Martha Green who began her cooking empire by teaching small classes in the back her husband mattress store. She then worked her way up making millions of dollars and donating most of it to charity.

  20. I read Mien Kampf about Adolf Hitler and his ideas about the Arian Race. It motivates me to not a person like him, because he was evil. It surprises me how many thoughts he has were justified.

  21. Forget Me Not: From the Life of Willa Havisham
    I read about a basketball coach who was good enough to coach in a big school but chose to stay in the inner city school to make a difference in the boys' lives. He was involved in every aspect of their lives from school to home to just hanging out. He was there for them and because of that they trusted and respected him and played well together.

  22. Walk Two Moons, Sharon Creech
    I read My Life in Dog years by Gary Paulsen, It is about the different kind of sled dogs he had over the years. Gary goes through each relationship he had with each dog. he is my all-time favorite author.

  23. A Storm In Flanders by Winston Groom
    I remember reading a biography about Eleanor Roosevelt. At first I thought it would be super boring, but soon I realized how interesting it was. All of the opportunities that were open to her because she was a politician's wife, and the way she took advantage of them was amazing. It showed me that even though she was the President's wife, she had had dreams and ambitions long before that. You don't need a high-ranking husband to show the world who's boss.

  24. A Child Called It by: Dave Pelzer
    The book I'm reading is actually an autobiography. It was very interesting to me. Its surprising how bad a mother could treat her child, especially when she used to love him and care for him. The other kids at school pick on him and call him smelly and other things not understanding that he can't help it. In that part of the story it shows that it's wrong to judge people when you don't know their story.

  25. The Pact by: Jodi Picoult

    An autobiography that I have recently read was written by Jaycee Dugard. While reading her autobiography it was interesting to hear about everything that happened to her during her 10 years of being kidnapped. The way she described everything made me feel like I was the one being kidnapped. She did a really amazing job.

  26. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

    I once read Small Steps by Peg Kehret. I also usually don't enjoy biographies but I ended up liking this one. I enjoyed it because it was exciting, funny, and inspirational all at the same time. Although Kehret goes through some tough times she always finds a way to smile.

  27. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by MIchelle Hodkin

    I have read a biography about Jim Henson. I always liked the Muppets when I was younger and it was interesting to read about his life, both before the Muppets, and after. He was influenced by a ventriloquist and decided to follow his own dreams of dealing with puppets. He is an example of someone who has made their dream come true through what they love doing. This is very inspirational because who doesn't want their dreams to come true?

  28. After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick
    I read A Child Called It. This is an autobiography about Dave Pelzer, who was a child that got beaten by his mother. She starved him and treated him very unfairly. He fought to survive every day with a mom that considered him her slave. He inspired me to face my fears and be a tougher person after reading this book. It also made me very thankful for the family I have.

  29. Inheritance: Christopher Paolini

    I can't say I have read any autobiographies but I have read some facts about historical figures that have held my attention. All about what motivated them, their reasons for their fame, and even who they were into greater detail.

  30. Retribution by Drew Karpyshyn

    The only person that I read about and researched was in world history, it was Hitler. I think that Hitler was interesting because he almost took over the world. But he wasnt motivating to me because I dont really want to cause a genocide.

  31. The Last Jihad by: Joel C. Rosenberg
    I read an autobiography about Norman Borlaug. He changed many people lives by developing a new breed of wheat that could survive in Africa. He won a Nobel peace prize for his work. He has changed the way farmers use seed and this was very inspirational for me.

  32. I am reading Accomplice by Eireann Corrigan.

    I read a book about Rosa Parks. It was interesting because of the fact that she was black and a woman and she stood up for what she believed in. The fact that she did something by doing nothing (refusing to get off the bus) makes me think I can do little things to improve the situations around me. She was a woman, and that also made it more appealing to me.

  33. The Truth About Forever by: Sarah Dessen

    I read about Bethany Hamilton. She was a surfer who got her arm bit off by a shark. Her story was very inspirational to me because even after her accident, she didn't give up her dreams of surfing. She continued to surf with one arm, and her faith was strengthened because of the incident. Her story made it seem like anything can be overcome, even in the worst of situations.

  34. Extras by Scott Westerfeld
    I read a book called "Welcome, Silence" about Carol North. She got schizophrenia as a young child and the story goes through how it was a struggle throughout her entire life. She ends up going to med school and becoming a psychiatrist and is cured of her schizophrenia. I though it was interesting, obviously because most people are never treated of their schizophrenia and also to be in the mind of a schizophrenic is mind-blowing. It is something I would never want to have to go through. She goes into detail on the voices she hears and the things she sees that aren't actually there.

  35. I worked on my research paper today.

    A few years ago I read an autobiography by Nolan Ryan. I really enjoyed reading that. I liked reading about all the work he put in to become such a good pitcher. It was also interesting to hear his views about life in general. I think that I enjoyed reading about Nolan Ryan because I think he is someone that I sort of look up to.

  36. Jade Green
    By: Phyllis Naylor

    A recent biography that I read that really motivated me to do my best was about Ed Thomas. Ed Thomas inspired me so much because he is a resident of Iowa and I know a lot about him, but I didn’t know he was such an inspiration coach until I read his biography. Thomas was not just a coach but also a community leader for Parkersburg during the well know EF5 tornado that struck Parkersburg. So many people went to him for advice during this tragedy. Unfortunately Thomas was murdered by an ex-player, which has made his already amazing story, very sad.

  37. Under the Moons of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

    About a year ago, I read the autobiography of Andre Agassi, a famous tennis player. His life was entirely different than mine. He grew up with an angry father who forced him to practice tennis. I was, however, able to relate to his feelings when he was struggling. I found it fascinating that he could describe almost any match, point for point. The great thing about a biography is that the picture you form of someone's life is based on how they see it and not how you know them. After reading this book I was compelled to look at pictures of the people he described and other things. This was an especially well written autobiography too and that helps.

  38. Someone Like You by: Sarah Dessen

    I read a book about Florence Nightingale that really inspired me. She helped to change the role and perception of the nursing profession. She was very dedicated to her work and won widespread admiration for the improvement of soliders. I learned a lot about her and it was really interesting. The book inspired me to want to make a difference in the world and be remembered.

  39. Promise Me
    By: Harlan Coben

    I read a book about Josh Hamilton, and how he turned his life around. He is now one of the best baseball players in the game, and this shows how it is never to late to make a change.

  40. The hunger games by Suzanne Collins
    In 6th grade we read the book small steps. It was about fighting polio. I have never had a life threatening disease and I have never had anyone close to me ever have one. I think the courage anyone with a life-threatening disease displays is inspiring.

  41. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

    I don't really read biographies or autobiographies but one book that a character had inspired me was So. B. It. The main characters mother had been mentally challenged and she didn't know who her father was. She has made the decision to travel all the way to Maine to find who her father was. Being a young age I find her very brave for going such great distances to find out who her family is.

  42. A Season on the Mat by Nolan Zavoral
    I have only read 1 biography, and it was on Dan Gable. The story starts during his time as a coach at the University of Iowa. The story goes from there, and is about his whole life as a coach. It also goes back in time some times telling about his life in highschool, college, and life after retirement. I found it very interesting, and it was motivating. It made me want to be a wrestling coach when i grow up.

  43. The Sacred Acre by Mark Tabb

    The book I am reading right now, it is all about the life of Ed Thomas the former football coach at A.P. Im not a big reader, but reading this book just seems like it keeps you wondering whats next. He seems like he was motivating to many people and had a wonderful effect on many people that were in his life.

  44. Sacred Acre By: Mark Tabb

    I am currently reading a book about Ed Thomas and how a tornado hit his home and he started to rebuild while a guy shot him. When I first started reading the book I thought it was a guy book but it actually turned out not to be. His quotes that are in the book inspire me a lot because many of them are true to life.

  45. The people of sparks by Jeanne DuPrau
    I read about Nelson Mandela in 7th grade. He was motivating because he gave it everything he had to free South Africa from oppression. It was interesting how people thought so much differently then they do today.

  46. Whitetail Nation by Peter Bodo
    I have recently read Luke Bryans biography. He talked about where he lived and how difficult it was to move onto be a country singer. I found it interesting how difficult his journey was and what he had to go through to to become what he is now.

  47. I think that reading about " How to kill a mockingbird" was pretty interesting. It showed the life story of a lawyer and his children learning that the white people should not put the blacks through so much, that they should also not acuse them of things that they did not do.


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