With the recent passing of author J.D. Salinger, I am reminded of the mixed reaction that his book The Catcher in the Rye has had with many of my students. It seems that anyone that has read that book either REALLY loved it or REALLY didn't. It is interesting to me how some books can bring such different reactions to their readers. I know we usually talk about books that you like, but let's switch things up a bit and talk about a book you really didn't like for some reason. Make sure you include why you think you didn't like it so much. Be truthful, but fair.
I did not like the book War and Peace mostly because of the seemingly boring way the book was written. The book didn't excite me and used vocabulary in a way that just made the book to confusing to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI have never read a book that i didn't like i dont think. i usually only get books that i no are good or if someone has told me that they are good.
ReplyDeleteOne book that I didn't like is Liar. I just recently read it and it had a good beginning, but then about 35-40 pages in it took a turn for the worse. The detail was not living up to my expectations and it just dragged on forever. i finished but it was not good. It was pretty boring and the storyline was not well written.
ReplyDeleteGood Earth, by i can't remember who, was the worst book i have ever read in my entire life. Well i didn't really read it all because it was so boring. When i was reading i would have much rather been watching grass grow. It was that terrible. I hope i never have to read a book that bad every again.
ReplyDeleteI really did not like the book, "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck. This book just did not capture my attention and parts of it were hard to understand. Normally I don't mind history books but this one just made my eyes glaze over. In my opinion, this book was the same as reading someone's daily routine every day.
ReplyDeleteI hated reading twilight in my sophomore year. My teacher made us read it and all the girls loved it, but every guy hated it. The plot was boring in my opinion and if i wanted to read about vampires, i wouldn't read about ones that sparkle and have feelings.
ReplyDeleteOne book I didn't like reading was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I think the main reason I didn't like it was because it was hard to understand. The characters in the book talked in a Southern dialogue which was hard to interpret. Also, the story seemed to drag on and on, and I felt like it was never going to end.
ReplyDeleteI really disliked the book The Good Earth. I thought it was the most boring book I had ever read. The worst part is that I was required to read it in 10th grade. I didn't like it because it just wasn't my type of book, which made it really hard for me to comprehend.
ReplyDeleteAdventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is one of my least favorite books because it is boring and a lot of the time you can not understand what the character is saying. Also, I'm not a fanatic of older adventure books. They usually have older terms and bigger words that I don't understand.
ReplyDeleteI didn't enjoy the book the Good Earth. My class read it for English. One of the reasons I probably didn't like it was because I was forced to read it. Also it was based in ancient China and talked the lives and customs practiced there. I'm not interested in that kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteHuckleberry Finn by: Mark Twain
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book because I found it rather boring and uninteresting. I didn't care for the plot or the scenario. The whole setting, and format didn't make me curios to know more about what happened and I dreaded the fact that I was forced to read such an unappealing book to my taste. The way Twain writes the book does not catch my attention and I'm simply not interested.
The book that I really didn't like was Tricks by: Ellen Hopkins. The book talked about the negative aspects of six teenage lives, But I was looking for more than that, I was looking for something way better than that, something more like, do they live normal or do their home lives consist of what their school life is. No, they all seem to for some reason end up in Vegas and become male and female prostitues. the book is good i'll admit, but come on could it get any more boring.
ReplyDeleteI believe the book was called Wang Lung By Pearl S. Buck. We had read this book in English our freshman year. Certain parts were interesting but all in all I was somewhat angered by the main character by the utter lack of emotion he showed toward his family. All he ever seemed to "enjoy" was his farm and when he had the money his concubines.
ReplyDeleteWang Lung was a book about a chinese farmer and his life in China. It was really boring and nothing exciting really happened. Reading about a poor farmer and how he became wealthy did not appeal to me one bit. I didn't like this book at all.
ReplyDeleteHuckleberry Fin by: Mark Twain
ReplyDeleteHuckleberry Fin is by far the worse book I've ever came in contact with. This book was a mandatory book Mrs. Rule made us read, of course Mrs. Rule would pick this book. The book had dialogue half of the class could not understand, even I. Huckleberry Fin didn't affect me what so ever because to this very day I could not tell you a thing about it.
The book that i really didn't like was Boxes. The reason why I didn't like this book was that the main subject didn't really interest me, and also the way he wrote it. He jumped back and forth which confused me.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t care for the book Audrey Wait! by Robin Benway. When I started reading the book I thought it would be funny because it was about a girl who had an ex-boyfriend write a song about her. It ended up that it was just Audrey complaining about her horrible life the entire time. I think the author used too much sarcasm. A little sarcasm is good, but it was overdone in Audrey Wait!. It also bothered me that the author kept referring to the song written about Audrey and I didn’t know the tune of it. This made me very distracted.
ReplyDeleteLittle women, it was about these women were living all alone only with their mother. The dad was in the army so he couldn't take care of them so they had to take care of themselves. One of the fell in love with a boy that loved her by.At the end of the story they get married and the dad come home because he got injured in battle. end they lived happy ever after. :)
ReplyDeleteThe Adventures of Huckleberry Fin By Mark Twain.
ReplyDeleteI dislike this book because its hard to follow and understand by all the slang words he uses. The next thing is all the stuff that couldn't happen do like the floating house. I also didn't understand the fight between the Wilks and the Grangerfords.
When I think of books that I really dislike the one that keeps coming to my mind is “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare. I did not admire this book at all because it seemed like every word that Shakespeare wrote was part of a word or of another language that I didn’t understand (such as nay and knave), so it would take me ten minutes to decipher one complete sentence! Maybe I’m just not smart enough to read at that level but it’s for sure the worst book/play I have ever read.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t like the book Izzy Willy-Nilly by Cynthia Voigt. In this book, the character, Izzy, is in a car crash because her driver (date) is drunk. After the accident, Izzy has one of her legs amputated. The story tells the disheartening reactions of her friends and family. I really disliked the book because I felt depressed reading about her time in the hospital. No one really cares about her and she sits alone feeling sad all day. It is hard to find excitement and lacks any real action except in the first few chapters. I didn't want to read the book because it made me sad and angry.
ReplyDeleteI think that The Good Earth was the book that i disliked. It did not interest me any. It was so long and boring, through most of the book I didn't understand much of it. Another thing was the names and how they were wrote in chinese, they were hard to pronounce.
ReplyDeleteThe book Little Women because I do not really like the older style book and it was told in the girls point of view. It was a long drug out book that really didn't capture my attention.
ReplyDeleteI disliked Huckleberry Finn. For one,I don't like being forced to read a book so it made it that much worse. The real reason I didn't enjoy it was the way it was written. The book is written with wrong grammar and with a weird accent that I found hard to follow sometimes. I usually like reading historical fiction books but this was not one of my favorites.
ReplyDeleteA book that i did not like was The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. It was a very hard book for me to relate to. The type of word choice used in this book was improper english which made it hard to understand. It was also a required book which always seems to make a book less interesting.
ReplyDeleteJulius Caesar wad my least favorite book. Im didn't like how I couldn't understan the writing, and the fact that it was way to descriptive. I lost interest from the start, but had to try and read it for a grade in class. Also the book seemed to jump around a lot, and some of the characters names sounded or where spelled simular to other characters. This aspect made it very confusing to me.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite books that I've read were the Harry Potter series. The reason I didn't like these books is because I couldn't get myself to enjoy all the wizard-like vocabulary and I am more into the books that seem realistic. The first book of the series wasn't that horrible, but as they went on they got worse and worse and I stopped in the middle of the second one. I am just not interested in wizard and magical books.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book Huckleberry Fin. It didn't capture my attention and it was predictable. Also, the fact that I had to read it made it worse, since it wasn't my choice of book.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book Good Earth. I didn't like it because it was boring. It lacked the details that a book needs to keep my attention, and the characters weren't very interesting. It was hard to keep my attention on the book while I was reading it because my mind wandered to other things.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book Huckleberry Finn. Part of the reason I didn't like it was because it was so hard to understand. The words that Mark Twain used in that book were old and not easy to read. I also didn't like the book because we had to read it for an assignment in English, it wasn't a book that I could pick out based on my interests.
ReplyDeleteHatchet: By Gary Paulsen
ReplyDeleteThere wasn't really any books i didn't like. the reason is that i only pick books that i like or if they sound good on the back cover of the book, but if i don't like it i would simply put back.
A book that I really didn't like was Little Women. I really didn't like Little Women because it had a girly tone. It talked about the fashions of the 1800s and about the feelings of the girls. The feelings and fashions made me very dissatisfied with the book. The book didn't have a very good plot either. They never really accomplished much except discover who they were.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely, hands-down, did not, whatsoever, enjoy the book Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. When I read a book, I expect some sort of gramatical rule when everyone is talking. I don't like to read a book where a person can't talk correctly (without grammar). The incorrect grammar in the book made it hard to understand what each character was saying and talking about. I don't think I'll be reading Tom Sawyer anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteThere haven't been very many books that I didn't like. The one that comes to mind that I really didn't care for was Holly by Devereaux. In fact I didn't like this book so much that I've even forgotten the author's name. It was a romance I believe, and one of my friends highly recommended it, so I agreed to try it out. It lacked many details, and an original plot. The characters just didn't click for me. It just seemed like the countless romantic comedy movies I've seen. It was predictable, and I could see the ending coming a mile away. Frankly, I was not impressed.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book Huckleberry Finn because it was difficult to understand and it didn't interest me at all. The book was required to be read in a class so that was probably part of the reason I didn't like it and it wasn't my choice. I also thought that the book got to be long and boring.
ReplyDeleteWe read The Good Earth in English 9 and I disliked it a lot. First off the book was extremely boring and never had anything interesting happen in it. All it ever talked about was the way this man lived and how he went to town everyday. I could barley read the book. Also the book was wrote in the way they talked so half of it I couldn't understand because it made no sense to me. If I had to recommend this book to anyone I would tell them not to read it because they will dislike it like I did.
ReplyDeleteThe book I didn't like was Julius Caesar. I didn't like reading that because of the grammar. It was hard to figure out what Shakespeare was trying to make the characters in the book say. Even after the teacher translated what the characters were trying to say, there was just something about the book that I didn't like. I also didn't quite comprehend everything that was happening in the book either.
ReplyDeleteA book I really didn't like was this really boring poem book my LA teacher made us read in 8th grade. I don't remember what its name was, but I do remember that for a whole term we just read boring poems out of that poem book. That was the worst experience I ever had in an LA class. I think I really didn't like the book because the whole thing was filled with horrible poems.
ReplyDeleteIn 8th grade reading we read Drivers Ed by someone. You had said that this book had been a big hit in previous years. I HATED THIS BOOK. I don’t particularly know why but it just seemed like it was the same ideas over and over again. Girls chasing this guy the boring drivers Ed teacher, this book just went on and on and on. The only interesting part is when they stole the stop sign, and a woman was killed. I thought it was sad that a person had to die for me to be interested in a book. My entire group felt the same way and when it came time to rate this book it received no more than a 3.
ReplyDeleteA book I really didn't like was Heir Apparent. Somebody recommended I read it, so I decided I would give it a try. I remember that it was based in the future and it was about a girl who was in some crazy video game. It was a virtual reality game and it broke and she had to finish the game before she could get out of the game. It was sort of sci-fi and a little ridiculous. I think the reason I didn't like it was because it was so strange. I don't really like books about sci-fi and that kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck because it didn't capture my attention at all. I was bored as I read it and didn't understand what was going on some of the time. There wasn't much dialogue, if any, and I didn't like reading it in 3rd person. Mostly, the topic of the book just wasn't very interesting to read about.
ReplyDeleteStreams of Babel
ReplyDeleteby Carol Plum-Ucci
I read the book Airborne, and didn't really like it. It was an ITA nominee so I decided to read it. I didn't like it, because it didn't really make sense. There was never a reason given to why the airship was attacked, or what happened after they left the island. It was going on getting to the climax when it just ended. We never found out what happened they leave the island.
A book that I really didn't like was the Good Earth. I don't even remember what it was about so i couldn't have interested me too much. I thought the book had no importance to me so I wasn't very interested.
ReplyDeleteI usually do my best to read books I do like and if I don't like them I give up after a while, but once it was recommended that I read the short story "To Build a Fire." Thankfully it was short, but I read the whole story waiting for an exciting ending, though it was really just about arrogance and ignorance. It was another one of those pieces of literature that, to me, are boring because they are only trying to make a point or write creatively or encourage you to think about what you've read. These are things I am willing to read only if they are entertaining at the same time. It disappointed me in the same way Huck Finn did. It didn't really seem to go anywhere
ReplyDeleteAllen secrets by.Annette Curtis Klause
ReplyDeleteAllen secrets by Annette Curtis Klause is not a book that I like. The reason is because the story dose not sound real like some of the Gary pulson books. I would classify this book as hoer. With that being said that is probably one of the main points that i did not like that book.
The Good Earth
ReplyDeleteI didn't like it because it never really grabbed my attention. The characters were not interesting and didn't stick out. The Good Earth was a book we had to read in English.
A book that I really hated was Mein Kampf (my mind in German) By Adolf Hitler. He just talks about the same stuff over and over and over again, and I could only get to page 100 out of 500 before I threw it down in anger.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Mien Kampf is my struggle, not my mind.
ReplyDeleteA book that I didn't like was The Good Earth. We had to read it in 9th grade because I never really got into the book. It was boring to read because i like books with a lot of things going on in them.
ReplyDeleteLittle Woman
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the book because it was really boring and didn't have a lot of action or adventure in it. for a book to intrest me it needs to have these things.