Lately, the Twilight series has been all the rage, and before that it was the Eragon series. The classic Lord of the Rings series has captured the attention of readers for decades. There are many authors that have created a whole series of wonderful books for us to devour. What is your favorite book series and why?
I love lots of different series books, but the series that honestly got me hooked on reading was the Nancy Drew series. I know, that makes me sound really old, but in my defense, those books were quite old when I found them in the corner of my town library and read about 50 of them one summer.
ReplyDeleteThe series of books that I like was the Harry Potter series. One summer my parent told me I had to read an hour every night so I picked Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It was a great book and I've read the whole series now.
ReplyDeleteThe Assist by Neil Swidey
ReplyDeleteI haven't read a lot of book series, but my favorite of the few i have read would have to be the Cirque Du Freak series. Its about a kid and how he was turned into a half vampire half boy and how he goes through al these changed in his new life.
I am reading liar, liar.
ReplyDeleteI only no a few different book series, but have only read like 2 of them. My favorite book series is box car children. Box car children is my favorite series because it is all about the kids. I also like how the kids live on their on and make it through.
Liar by Justine Larbalestier
ReplyDeleteMy favorite series of books is the Twilight series. The way the books play into one another made me want to keep reading them. They were also detailed enough to keep me want to read them and they were a quick read and something that I would go back to and read again because they were that interesting.
Winning Every Day: The Game Plan For Success by Lou Holtz.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite series used to be the Babysitter Club books. I was constantly reading these books and since no new ones were coming out we had to buy them used, if you mix those together it meant they were all falling apart! All of the books had tips about babysitting, which I think helped make me a better babysitter. I still read them now if I happen to find one in the basement.
The House of The Scorpion. By: Nancy Farmer
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series is also the Twilight series. The fictional series intrigues my intrest about vampires. After reading the Twilight series I think about if vampires are real and if they could be disguising themselves as normal humans.
A Season on the Mat -Nolan Zavoral
ReplyDeleteI have only read one book series, and that the was the Mr. Tucket series by Gary Paulsen. I found the books very interesting because it was about a boy about my age who was almost like a cowboy, when the oregon trail was around. I also started reading the twilight series, but i got bored of them after the first one.
Shadow Kiss
ReplyDeleteBy: Richelle Mead
Follet Book ebooks
Ashley GentzVampire Series
I dont know the name of the series but the first book in the series is Shadow Kiss. The book starts out with a girl named Rose and soon develops into chaos. Her teacher Demetri used to be her lover tell she joined in, They are all vampires, they are not aloud out during the night which is day to use humans, but she does sneak out. Demetri catches her, but a woman that is talking about Dashkov strikes a nerve in her body. She sees Mason yet Mason is dead. And nobody is ever the same after the Strigoti uses Lissa's powers against every vampire there. They are the Moroi. This series is the best series I have ever read. Yea Buddy!
Sea of Trolls Trilogy-Nancy Farmer
ReplyDeleteI like these books because they are so full of action and mystery it captures your attention while you read and you don't want to put the book down.
the U.S involvement in Vietnam by Martin Gitlin
ReplyDeleteHe tells you about what the soldiers went through in Vietnam and what the people had to decide what they had to do for their people. How many people die in the war with Vietnam.
I also liked the twilight series. I thought that it was very interesting to read and there was a lot of action in the books. My favorite one was the last one, Breaking Dawn.
ReplyDeleteOver the River by Sharelle Bryars Moranville
She is in the cemetary looking at her moms grave and she sees some of her friends and family there visiting there own families graves.
I really don't have a favorite series of book, but some of the series that I have read are good like the nancy drew books there are some of there books that I like, but not all of them.
ReplyDeleteI am reading The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series would have to be The Hunger Games trilogy. The first book in this series was recommended to me by a friend, and after I read that one I was hooked and had to read the other two. I think I the reason I liked them so much was because of all of the action and suspense in them. These books were set into the future and the events in them were ones that could actually happen in the U.S. which I thought was cool. Each book was built on the previous one so it was neat to see everything build up to the last book.
Harry Potter series was interesting all the fantasy stuff that goes on there all of them. They have all the magic stuff then on top of that the 3 headed dog. Thats what got me hooked on all of those books. They do take time to read though there really big books.
ReplyDeleteThe House of Night Series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast are my absolute favorite series of books. This series of books are my favorite because they are mysterious, fantastical, and dark all at the same time. Also they have to do with vampires, and ever since the Twilight series I have read many different kinds of vampire books.
ReplyDeleteBy: Mary Roach
My favorite book series is The Caretaker Trilogy by David Klass. The titles of the books are Firestorm, Whirlwind, and Timelock. I really enjoyed reading these books because they were science fiction, and reminded me a lot of Star Wars. There was always action going on too, which kept me wanting to read more. The Caretaker Trilogy was also unique because it was written using only sentence fragments. I liked this because it was different from other books I have read.
Airborn by Kenneth Oppel
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series is Harry Potter. I love fiction writing and mystical happenings. After a while, I felt as if I personally knew all the characters. All of the books were filled with twists and turns and never failed to keep my interest no matter how many times I reread them.
My favorite book series is the hatchet series by gary Paulson. I like his books because there about being in the outdoors and surviving with hardly anything. They are very good and fun to read.
ReplyDeleteWhitetail Nation By: Pete Bodo
ReplyDeleteThe book series that I enjoy the most is the Cirque du Freak series by Darren Shan. I like how Darren includes himself in the books as an actual character. He tells a story about how he and his friends are vampires but he is only half vampire so he struggles to do “vampire tasks” that his friends can do. Darren also does a good job of making it so you have to read the next book in the series by getting the reader excited at the end but not telling the resolution, which is included in the next book of the series.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets By: J.K. Rowling
ReplyDeleteI like the Harry Potter series the best probably because I love the story it tells. I'm fascinated by fantasy stories and the whole magic scene so this is probably why I find Harry Potter to be in my top favorites.
I'm reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. The House of Night series is my favorite book series. I really love this series because it has a lot of drama and contains constant action. I feel like I can relate to the teenagers and how they respond to situations in the books. I also like reading about how the main character develops through the many books.
ReplyDeletecurrently reading,
ReplyDeleteThe Valley of the Lost
by Emily Rodda
I love multiple series of books, but one of my favorite series is The Legends of Tortall by Tamora Pierce. There are 18 books in all and each have a female hero. In a land where there hasn't been a female knight in a hundred years these young woman risk everything for their country.
My favorite book series is definitely the Hunger Games Trilogy. I enjoy reading these books because they're full of adventure. It makes me wonder how I would feel if I were put in a position like Katniss. It makes me feel proud to be a girl, because the main character is a girl and kicks some serious booty. There's also a bit of romance, and it kept me on the edge of my seat. They are fantastic books.
ReplyDeleteI don't read many series, but the one i did enjoy was the Twilight series. I enjoyed how they kept you guessing and as soon as you thought you knew what was going to happen it changes.
ReplyDeleteA Dance for Three
ReplyDeleteLouise Plummer
My favorite book series that I have read was the Twilight series. I liked these books because they never got boring and kept your attention through all four books. Another series I enjoyed were the Angels in Pink. Those books kept me entertained because they were about teenagers and drama, which I can relate too, so I was interested.
Extras by Scott Westerfeld
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series was the Twilight series. I liked them because they had adventure, but also romance. They were different from any other books I had ever read. Breaking Dawn is probably my favorite book in general.
Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill
ReplyDeleteI enjoy the Eragon series because it has a lot of action and I can kind of relate to the main character. Not using magic and ridding a dragon, but same age kind of thing.
The Boy Who Dared
ReplyDeleteby: Susan Campbell Bartoletti
My favorite series is the Twilight saga. I like this series because when I read it, it was a new concept of vampires and ware wolves that also had an exciting love-story twist. The way Meyers writes keeps readers on edge. When the book first came out the story line was fairly new so readers didn't know what to expect.
127 Hours by Aron Ralston
ReplyDeleteMy favorite series of books is the Wayside School series. Mr. J. used to read them to us and I liked them. I haven't read any of them in a long time, because they are pretty easy. They are funny though and would probably still make me laugh if I read them now.
Im reading Hatchet By: Gary Paulsen
ReplyDeleteI really don't have a favorite books series, but i would have to say i do like basically all the Gary Paulsen books, from Hatchet to My Life in Dog Years.
The Pact by: Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series is the Harry Potter series. Every book that J.K Rowling writes is suspenseful and keeps me waiting for the next book to come out. Although the books are quite lengthy they are really good!
The Sacred Acre by Mark Tabb
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series would have to be the Gary Paulsen series. It is probably a series from when I was little but it seems to be a classic to some people. It is one that justs keeps you reading.
After Ever After by: Jordan Sonnenblick
ReplyDeleteWhen I read books I read random ones that sound good at the time. I don't think I have read a series of books although I do base some of my books off of authors I like. One of my favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks. I have read Dear John, and The Last Song, and have yet to read more of his books. I like his books because I have also seen the movies and they some of my favorites. Usually about love and tean problems. One series I might be interested in ready is the Uglies and Pretties books.
Brian's Winter by: Gary Paulsen
ReplyDeleteI don't stick to a specific series, I kind of jump around when I read books. I have read a few books by Gary Paulsen so I guess that would be the series that I like to read the most.
Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series is the House of Night Series. They are just more books about vampires, but it is based more on a teenagers actual life and has more details and keeps me more entertained than the twilight series.
Change of Heart by: Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteI don't usually read books in a series, but I have read lots of books by Sarah Dessen. The books are not connected at all and do not have to be read in a certain order. I like her books because they are always about teen problems which I find interesting. They are all good books and I have a hard time putting them down. I might be interested in reading the Twilight series some day.
Eagle Strike by: Anthony Horowitz
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the City of Ember series , because it made me wonder if this could be possible. I even imagined what it would be like, if i was a character in the book. What would i do to escape the City of Ember, then how i would survive back on earths surface, and even what a fifth book would have in it. Three of the four books kept me thinking, and enthused through the whole thing. Sadly it didn't take long to read them all.
Heat By: Mike Lupica
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger my favorite book series was Little House on the Prairie.I loved the girls and how they went out side because thats the way I am. They also had alot of adventures with them
Fallout by: Ellen Hopkins
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series is Ellen Hopkin's Crank Series. Fallout, the book that I'm currently reading, is the last book in this series. I like this series because I enjoy reading about problems that are an issue today. Also, I like her form of writing because she writes in a poetry form. It's short and quick to read. This series also captures my attention, and it's hard to put the books down.
Woods Runner by: Gary Paulson
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book series is the Tom Sayer series. The books were a lot of fun to read. They drew me back to each new book because of the way they had a good adventure.
The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs
ReplyDeleteMy favorite series is the Harry Potter series. I'm sure a lot people are going to say that, but it's different for me. There are seven books and J. K. Rowling did everything right with all of them. There's not one dud of a book or even one bad chapter. They are wonderful. Also, not only is the plot fantastic, but all of the small moments in between are interesting. The studying, the ghosts, the elves in the kitchen. All of these small moments connect too and have some interesting significance. That's one more thing I like about the series. All of the significant moments connect in a clever way. Those things keep me interested throughout the whole series.
Revelation by Drew Karpyshyn
ReplyDeleteThe only book series I recall ever reading were the I spy books. I read them when I was a little kid, and I guess I liked looking for the things in the pics.
Timeline by Michael Crichton. My favorite book series is the Eragon series. I liked the series because I thought the way the books used foreshadowing and cliffhangers was great and it made me want to read more.
ReplyDeleteCrash by: Jerry Spinelli
ReplyDeleteI've never really read an entire series of books. There are certain authors that I really like, though. When I was younger I liked Sonya Sones' books. I read a couple of her's that related to each other but were not a series. I related to the book at the time, and that's why I really enjoyed reading them.
Killer: A Pretty Little Liar Novel by Sara Shepard
ReplyDeleteMy favorite series when I was young was the Series of Unfortunate Events. This was one of the first series (other than Harry Potter) that I wanted to read every minute of every day. Lemony Snicket, (the pen name of) the author, finds such creative ways to reveal the entire story, while using unusual vocabulary. The characters are witty and fantastic problem solvers. Lemony Snicket definitely made me learn how to love to read as a child.
Blazer Drive
ReplyDeleteSigmund Brouer
I don't really have a favorite series of books i dont like to read a lot of books about the same thing. I read two of the Harry Potter books and sort of liked them. Otherwise I haven't read any series of books.
ReplyDeleteBy: Louis Sachar
My favorite series is The Hunger Games. I like it because it was very suspenseful and full of twists and turns in the story line, and you never knew what would happen next.
Brian's Hunt: Gary Paulson
ReplyDeleteI like the hunger games series because it is an exciting book that captures my attention.
Crash by Jerry Spinelli
ReplyDeleteThe Hatchet series is my favorite series because it seems so real. The other books in the series are Brian's Hunt, Brian's Return, Brian's Winter, and The River. These books all are very interesting and my favorite.