Friday, January 22, 2010

Had a good scare lately?

Have you ever read a book that really scared you? I mean, actually had you afraid to answer the door or walk alone at night? I remember reading Stephen King's Salem's Lot when I was a freshman in high school. For some reason that book really freaked me out. I saw vampire eyes every time I looked out my window at night, and seriously thought about stashing a few wooden stakes under my bed. It was great, though, and I couldn't stop reading. I am sure some of you guys won't actually admit to being scared by a book, but just think about a book that kind of "freaked you out a little" then. What is the scariest book you have ever read, and why do you think it was so scary?


  1. Hatchet
    By: Gary Paulsen

    I havent had a book yet that freaked me out, but one of the most creepiest books i have read was goose bumps by R.L. Stein.

  2. Silent to the Bone by E. L. Konigsburg
    I have never read a book that has scared me. I refuse to read scary books or I at least try to stay away from them because I am not a fan of not being able to sleep. So there has never been a book that has scared me.

  3. My book is Timeline by Michael Crichton. The scariest book I have ever read is Under the Dome by Stephen King. I thought this book was scary because of the vivid details that were used and how the events that happened seemed logical.

  4. Code Sixty-One by Donald Harstad

    This lady calls the police because she sees a man with pointed teeth looking in her room while she is changing and then she ends up dead two weeks later and the police go on this mad chase for the killer. This book was a page turner because something was happening every step of the way.

  5. Saving Private Ryan
    Max Allan Collins
    The book that I have recently read that scared me was, "Helter Skelter" by Vincent Bugliosi. I was really scared reading about what Charles Manson did because I couldn't believe a human being was capable of those thoughts and I also couldn't believe he got so many people to murder in his name.

  6. The Assist by Neil Swidey

    I once read a little of Salem's Lot by Stephen King when my sister was reading it. I was little and it was about vampires so it creeped me out a bit and then i was always afraid that a vampire was going to kill me. Since then I have never read a book that has, the slightest bit, scared me.

  7. A Season on the Mat- Nolan Zavoral
    When i read the book New Moon by Stephenie Meyer i was not scared, but at the beginning i got a little freaked out. Bella accidently gets a paper cut and one of the vampire brothers freaks out and tries to eat her. That had me a little creeped out because i thought to my self, what if i'm at family christmas and i have an uncle whose a vampire. And i accidently cut my finger on the wrapping paper and start bleeding, and he freaks out and kills me. That's a scary thought, but doubtful that it would ever happen. Books don't really scare me to much, but i usually cry while watching scary movies.

  8. Chat Room by Kristin Butcher
    Last year in English 10 we read short stories. One of them was called Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket. Reading this story made me really nervous. The man's paper flew out his apartment window and got caught on the side of the building. He had to crawl out his window many stories high and very carefully walk along the side of the building to get to his paper. It described his feelings as he looked down and saw the street and the tops of people's heads and cars etc. The intensity of this story was nerve-racking.

  9. Shadow Kiss
    By: Richelle Mead
    Ashley G.

    R.L. Stein
    Book- Mostly Ghostly

    I thought that this was scary because in the book there is two kids, and their parents have disappeared. Then a evil man that isn't really alive takes the girl, the girls name is Tarra, and then there is her brother, but I don't remember his name. Then spirits are unleashed but Nikkei pulls them back in, I mean come on a dog splits in half for christs sakes.

  10. I am reading Liar, Liar.

    I read the book Wizard of Oz. Well i really didn't read, my mom read it to me. When she got to the part when it talked about the flying monkeys I got really scared. The reason for this was because i was only in like 4th grade. Every time I would walk alone I would think they would come down and swoop me up.

  11. I am reading The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood.

    One of my favorite series is the Nancy Drew series by Carolyn Keene. I started reading them in junior high which was the time that they really freaked me out. There wasn't a specific book in the series, they just all scared me. The one thing I remember being the most scared of was the fact that in a lot of them Nancy was drugged by the people she was going after. I was terrified someone would do that to me. Nancy did things and went places that just creeped me out. I always got nervous before I read a new book in the series because I knew I was going to be freaked out by it. By the end of a book, I forgot all of the creepy things that happened to Nancy and started reading a new one, just to be scared all over again.

  12. Among The Enemy by Margaret peterson haddix

    I have not read any scary book. The one book that is one of Harry potters book. I am not a fan of that book series any more because of the first Harry potter book scared me so much. I was not able to sleep for 2 days because I was so scared that something was going to happen to me like something that happen in the book.

  13. After by Amy Efaw. The scariest book I've ever read was - I think - by Stephen King. I can't remember the title but the details were so specific and the actions so lifelike that I couldn't help but being scared. I remember I was reading it in the middle of the night this summer and I got so freaked out that when I went to bed I had to run from the light switch to my bed. The scariest thing about the book is that it seemed so real and I know that people probably do that in real life.

  14. Silverfin
    Charles Higson
    Its sorta keeps you thinking and on the edge. It makes you wanna read ahead and see what happens. In the book there twist but nothing really scary.

  15. Stiff By: Mary Roach

    I have never really been scared by a book because if I read the summary on the back and it looks just a little scary I won’t read it because I’m a baby when it comes to frightening things. I think that the scariest book I have ever read is the one I am currently reading, Stiff. I think its a little creepy because its all about human cadavers. The book started off talking about a college dissection lab with a bunch of heads sitting in trays with no bodies attached. This kind of gave me the willies a little bit. I try to put myself in the position of the author who was staring at the heads, but I was getting too freaked out.

  16. The House of the Scorpion King by: Nancy Farmer
    The book BTK is a story about a man who liked to indulging himself with the gratitude of knowing he was in control of people's lives. This man was a graduate from Harvard and the town's people liked him, but they weren't aware that he was killing dozen's of people each year. The thought of how people don't expect certain people because of their background really freaks me out. For all we know, we could have serial killers as our neighbors.

  17. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling

    I've read the "Pretty Little Lairs" series, and those books definitely scared me at times. It's all a mystery with clues and some parts become quite gruesome at times due to one of the main characters murder that does not take place in the reading.

  18. The naked Marquis
    Sally Mackenzie

    Blood Lite
    Multiple short stories.
    The freakiest one in it was about this youth camp's advisors have to protect these kids from a chainsaw murderer. One of the kids has to go to the bathroom and leaves the protection of the cabin they hear his screams and the sound of his body splattering the outside cabin wall. The counselors manage to lure the murderer to the shed with the woodchipper and manage to electrocute him enough that they can put him through the wood chipper.

  19. Al Capone Does my shirt by Gennifer Choldenko

    Goosebumps by RL Stine,I read the Goosebump book once it was kind of scare because this women was walking through a house because she was going to buy it and that where a werwolf lives and she didn't know that at the time. So as she was walking through the house she hears something upstairs and she goes up their and than she hear something in one of the rooms so she starts walking to one of the rooms and their he was jumps at her and kills her before she even gets the chance to unpack her clothes.

  20. I have never ever read a scary book in my life, and if i had i probably wouldn't remember. Maybe sometime i will pick up a book thats scary and try it out.

  21. I'm reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. The scariest book I have ever read is Witch Child by Celia Rees. The main character’s grandmother gets hung in the beginning of the book and she disguises herself with the Puritans heading to America. She takes up a whole new identity and can’t talk about her actual past. The main character thinks she might be a witch and has some freaky powers. Throughout the book she becomes more suspicious and the town accuses her of bringing them bad fortune. They decide to hang her, but she runs into the woods and is never found. The events in this book were sometimes creepy and otherworldly. I began to wonder how easily someone like a witch could blend into our society. This book scared me not only with the events, but the inter-workings of the human mind. The scariest part was that the town leaders were actually going to hang this girl that was my age.

  22. Whitetail Nation By Peter Bodo

    At the moment I cant remember any books that I have read but I have seen some movies based off books by Stephen king that give me the chills at times. I have just recently watched the movie "Silver Bullet" which is also a book by Stephen King. Its about a werewolf murder mystery, and these people look all over town for the werewolf. Id like to read the book to see if gives me the chills at all.

  23. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

    This book was scary to me because it is, as the title says, about vampires. There are two different types of vampires though. The good and the bad. The bad vampires scare me because I think they could be lurking in a the dark somewhere waiting to attack me and turn me into one of them.

  24. Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill
    One book that freak me out some was Mien Kampf by Adolf Hitler. It was really strange to look into the mine of the most evil man in history. It scared me to look at it, because I knew that these thoughts turned to action to kill millions.

  25. Change of Heart by: Jodi Picoult

    The book The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks freaked me out a little bit when I was reading it. In the book Julie goes out on a date with Richard Franklin, who turns out to be a murderer using a fake name. He starts to follow her around and he just won't leave her alone. She starts to get freaked out by him and it made me feel the same way. The book makes you question the new people you meet and who you associate with. You never know what someone has done in the past and that can be scary.

  26. I don't think I've ever read a full book that scared me, but I've read a lot of short stories that have. Robert Bloch's short stories always seem to weird me out. There was one I remember in particular about an old woman who loved her cat, and the main character started her house on fire. In the end she sent her cat out to find the guy. The last line is still stuck in my mind: "Cat got your tongue?" I've stayed up many a night with this image glued to the back of my eyelids.

  27. The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Usually it takes images to scare me, but I was pretty scared by an R. L. Stine book I read when I was in elementary. I don't remember the name, but it was about this kid who was in a house full of extremely scary things. It fascinated me and the writing was good enough to put scary pictures in my mind. I would sit there in chair reading it afraid to even move. While its not as scary as a movie like The Ring, it does the job for a book.

  28. The Pact by: Jodi Picoult

    The book Turnabout actually freaked me out. Instead of the characters turning older they went backwards in age. For some reason it made me look at older people differently. The scientists in the book who created the chemicals to make people age backwards frightened me as well.

  29. Killer: A Pretty Little Liars Novel by Sara Shepard

    When I was younger I used to read ghost stories. The Short and Shivery books, my favorite, included not only ghost stories, but monster stories, legends, and zombie stories. Most of the time the end of the stories had a lesson that the main character learned for being selfish or another characteristic. Lately, the Pretty Little Liars books have freaked me out. They talk about a mysterious "A" person trying to ruin their lives, or even kill them. I think I can relate to these books more because the main characters are teenage girls, and it definitely freaks me out to read about someone trying to kill them, especially in first person.

  30. Goosebumps: R. L. Stine.

    The scariest book that I have read is The Werewolf of Fever Swamp by R. L. Stine. It was full of suspense so I couldn't ever tell what was going to happen next. The final outcome of the story was what really scared me though.

  31. The Sacred Acre By: Mark Tabb

    In Hatchet when the plane crashes into the water I was nervous that Brian wasn't going to live but he did.

  32. Blazer Drive
    Sigmund Brouer
    I read blazer drive and the main character was stuck in this car and he heard the bad guys were going to run a tube for the carbon dioxide to run from the muffler to the car and kill him. I was scared for his life and now I think about sitting in my car not thinking about it and the CO2 will kill me. If I ever die from this know I was extremely scared when I took my last carbon dioxide fill breaths. I hope this never happens to me.

  33. The Sacred Acre by Mark Tabb

    A Wrinkle In Time was one of the books we read in jr. high that I was scared deathly about it. I dont even remember why I was scared about the book but it frightened me. The whole time traveling deal freaked me out. It would be horrifying to travel back or ahead in time.

  34. The Cardturner
    By: Louis Sachar

    I read the Hunger Games, and thinking at any moment they could be killed. Just walking around then some kid jumps out of the trees and could kill you. I still liked the book, but being in that situation would be terrifying.

  35. 127 Hours by Aron Ralston
    There was a part in Sacred Acre that creeped me out a little bit. In it Mark Becker shoots Ed Thomas. The shooting happens in the weight room during a regular Wednesday lifting day during the summer in Parkersburg, Iowa. When I read that I tried to think of where I was when that happened and I realized I was at lifting as well. It sort of creeped me out that I was at lifting at our school when Ed Thomas was at lifting at his school and he was shot.

  36. Fallout by Ellen Hopkins

    I read the book Carrie by Stephen King. It was a little freaky because it was wrote to make the readers think it was based off of a true story. I was creeped out when Carrie started becoming evil. She had telekinesis and would use it to her advantage to hurt people that had made fun of her or hurt her in any way. In the end, it was scary because many of her classmates were dying as a result of her actions. After I read it, it made me think of what capabilities my classmates could have.

  37. Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen
    In "Brian's winter" there was a scary moment when Brian was attacked by a bear, this was scary to me because I thought about being in Brian's position with the bear attacking me.

  38. The Younger Brothers by Carl Green
    In the book Hatchet a young boy who was about our age went on a plane ride to visit his father. Well during that plane ride the pilot had a heart attack and died. Brian then somehow landed the plane somewhat safely in a pond in the middle of no where. He was all alone and had no way to contact anyone. This kind of freaks me out and makes me never want to be on a plane. I've never flown anywhere and I don't want to now because of that incident in the book. I'm extremely scared that something like that might happen to me.

  39. The Last Thing I Remember by: Andrew Klavan
    A book that really scared me was Little Women. The part in the book where the girl fell through the ice sent chills up my back. I was scared that the girl was going to die. I was scared of ice for a long time after reading Little Women.

  40. The scariest books I have ever read was the Limoney Snicket Series. They don't seem so scary now, but when I was little I was scared of having a crazy uncle that tried to kill me every chance he got as well as my other relatives, just to get my fortune. I remember being scared my house would start on fire, because that was how the first book started out.

  41. Eagle Strike By: Anthony Horowitz

    The Cask of Amontillado was very terrifying, as in me just getting goose bumps all over. The parts where the one man just starts yelling at the other, then he builds a wall to conceal him in alive, and ass the one man was putting up the wall the other one being barried alive starts laughing. To my class it was just weird. To me i actually woke up in the middle of the night, because i though i was being barried alive too.

  42. After Ever After By: After Ever After

    I haven't read many scary books, the only book I can think of that has some freaky parts is in Dear John. Its not very scary jus really weird, how Johns dad has a disease that made him remember everything and had the same meal each week for every day. Also when John got shot during the war and survived. I always get scared about dyeing when im young and still have a whole life in front of me.

  43. Revelation by Drew Karpyshyn
    The scariest book I read was in 8th grade. I read Salem's Lot by Stephan King. I didn't think that it was scary but I guess Mrs. K does. I have never read a book that scared me, even Stephan King books.

  44. Dreamland
    By: Sarah Dessen
    The scariest book i have ever read was because it is about a girl who talks to people on the internet that she doesn't know and ends up meeting the person in public. The man she meets isn't who he said he was and tries to rape her. That made me scared about talking to anybody besides in person.

  45. Airborn by Kenneth Oppel
    The scariest book I've ever read was Harlan Coben's Deal Breaker. It's full of mystery and suspense. I think it was scary because it could actually happen in real life. The books with plots that are plausible freak me out the most. I try to avoid these books, but Deal Breaker ended up being a fantastic novel.

  46. A Dance for Three
    Louise Plummer
    The scariest book I've ever read was The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore.The reason it was scary is because it's about a guy stealing a teenage girl because she was out late. This scares me because it could actually happen to anybody. He kept her in his basement and wouldn't let her talk, she finally escaped. It was a scary book.

  47. Extras by Scott Westerfeld

    I read a book in elementary, I think, called Dollhouse Murderers. Part of the reason I was scared was because I was little, but obviously murder is a scary thing. Throughout the whole book you never know who it was, then it is revealed in the end.

  48. The scariest book i have ever read was a mystery book. I think that they are very interesting and fun to read. You cant just read one part of it, it makes you want to read more. I kind of enjoy reading scary books, i think that they are very interesting.

  49. Tell No One
    Harlan Coben
    The scariest books I have read are ones by Harlan Coben. Coben writes very intensely. He describes chases between both cops and convicts and murders and victims. Coben describes these events so fiercely that it feels as if you are actually there, running which is pretty scary.


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