Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End Is Near!

It is finally the end of the year and it is always good to reflect on what you have accomplished throughout the year. I am always looking to improve my teaching too, so I would also appreciate your comments on what we did in class this year to help prepare you for the years to come. Please take some time to answer the following questions honestly.

1) What was your favorite part of Composition this year?
2) Which writing piece are you most proud of?
3) What was your least favorite part of Composition this year?
4) How has your writing improved throughout the year, specifically?
5) What is one thing you would (realistically) recommend I change for next year?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sharing Time

Each time we do writer's workshop and then silent share in class you get the opportunity not only to share your work with others, getting positive feedback, but you also get to read other classmates' stories and respond to their writings. What are the things you enjoy the most about the writer's workshop/silent share days? Be specific.