We have been recently focusing on the serial reciprocity concept in the movie "Pay It Forward" and several folk tales from various geographic regions. Think about something you might do to "pay it forward" in some way in the next week or two before school is out. It does not have to be "something big" like it is in the movie, but simply something that helps someone else without expecting anything in return. Tell us about it and how you would specifically go about doing it.
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
ReplyDeleteOne way I would "pay it forward" is by going through drive-through and paying for the car behind mine's meal. Then I should tell the cashier to tell the customers to "pay it forward." Another way would be taping a $20 bill to a gas pump and leaving a note saying to "pay it forward." Both would be unexpected, selfless generosities.
Eternal Kiss
ReplyDeleteEdited by Trisha Telep
Ashley G.
"Pay It Forward"
Like in the movie, Trevor pays it forward. At the end when he saves Adam from the bullies. This ends in disaster but still everyone learns from it. The whole pay it forward thing became a movement.
Today, we have to think of something to pay it forward to as well, as Trevor says in the movie, "you can't expect to know what you'll have to pay it forward, it has to be something that happens and you help." So we have to keep our eyes open and tell when someone needs us to pay it forward to them. Wether it be helping someone with a dilemma or helping someone with a simple task, and not really expect that you'll get the same back in return.
I would pay it forward in baseball. I help others with the way they could improve fielding ground balls or working on their swing and they would help others on their game too.
ReplyDeleteNick Boehm
ReplyDeleteI would help a fellow student with their homework. If a student was having trouble with their grades I could tutor them in a subject I felt comfortable in. I would make flyers and put them around the school saying I was there to help.
I would work on helping more on the farm such as helping others when it's needed. I would also work on finding things to do that need to be done. I should help my mother more in the house as well since we are short handed currently.
ReplyDeleteI will make supper for my family for the next week. I already have done this multiple times because my parents come home late. I don't ever expect any return from it and I will continue to do it.
ReplyDeleteThe Lost Boy by: Dave Pelzer
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of the second semester I had an extra study hall open, but instead of having another study hall, I decided to ask a couple of teachers if they would like my help on Friday's. Mrs. Dibble in the preschool said she would love my help, so every Friday I help her sort her books and put them away, cut out reading guides for her classes, and other "chores" she needs done for the following week.
The Last Thing I Remember
ReplyDeleteAndrew Klavan
It would like to help my family and help them to become more open and be less busy so we can do family things like vacations and weekend of fun or something less stressful than everyday life. I would work to keep my schedule open and still work to complete all my work.
That Summer by Sarah Dessen
ReplyDeleteRecently I have been taking on many chores outside as a favor to my dad and brother so that when they get in from the fields at 11 or later at night they don't have to worry about going out and finishing the chores up. It has taken a task off their hands and given them more hours in the field or to sleep.
One way I could "pay it forward" is by helping a classmate to understand what the teacher is talking about in class.
ReplyDeleteHeaven is For Real
ReplyDeleteTodd Burpo
In the next couple of days I could pick up books if someone drops them or hold the door open for someone with their hands full. In a week or so I could help someone study for their semester tests. I might also give a a younger class man a ride to golf practice after school. I would do any of these things without expecting anyone to do anything for me.
brain winter by Gary Paulson
ReplyDeleteThe way i would pay it forward is by help out someone that needed the help and then then them what i did for you now you have to do something for three other people.
I would pay it forward by giving two dozen cupcakes to someone. First, I would look for a person who looked like they were sad or struggling through something. Then, I would ask them what kind of things they were interested in. Later, I would make them decorated cupcakes that had the theme of the thing they were interested in. When they least expected it I would give them the cupcakes and tell them to enjoy and pay if forward.
ReplyDeleteHero By:Mike Lupica
ReplyDeleteI would stop to help someone with automotive problems, say hello, or open the door for someone. In return i would ask for nothing, and them to pass on the good favors they have to offer.
Burned by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
ReplyDeleteI could help my mom keep her sanity by actually cleaning my room and clean things around the house. I could also help her with graduation decorations and food. Also, I could stay out of trouble and keep my mom from worrying and crying about me next year after I graduate.
I will give some little kids some candy to make their day more exciting.
ReplyDeleteI am reading Liar Liar. The things that I do to help another person out with out anything in return is with their homework. I also help my distant family do chores on their farm because they are short handed. If i had do do something new to help someone else out would have to be volunteering.
ReplyDeleteWalk Two Moons
ReplyDeleteBy: Sharon Creech
I'm planning on offering help to anybody that needs it. When I do it I wouldn't want to expect anything in return.
Shut Out by Kody Keplinger.
ReplyDeleteIf someone does something to help me out I can pay it forward by passing the kindness onto someone else who needs another person's help to do a task along with a thank you to the person who helped me out.
I can help someone struggling with schoolwork.
ReplyDeleteThe Lucky One by: Nicholas Sparks
ReplyDeleteDuring the next week, one thing I will do to pay it forward will be to help someone carry their books if their hands are full. If I see someone in the hallway struggling with all of their books, I will ask them if they need any help. If so, I will help them carry their books or anything else they need.
I would help some one who has a flat tire. I can help them change it like I did with Blake yesterday. I pulled up and got a jack to get his car in the air while he broke the nuts loose. He got the spare tire put on and drove away.
ReplyDeleteTo "pay it forward" I would do something simple to help someone out. For example, I would help my mom around the house with whatever she needed without her asking or even knowing about it. I would surprise her with it and I wouldn't expect anything back from her. Sometimes something simple and unexpected the best way to "pay it forward."
ReplyDeleteI would help my mom around the house more, without having her tell me to do something. For example, I could do the dishes or laundry more. It would make her feel less stressed about getting things done. Then, she could also get more things done that she wants to do.
ReplyDeleteI am going to stand up for someone. It sounds small and pointless, but I think if you can defend someone when they are being put down it will make them realize how it feels to be cared about and they may do that for someone else. In today’s society there are many types of social networking sites available to teenagers. Therefore, it makes bullying more common and more opportunities to defend someone.
ReplyDeleteSomething I could do before school is out that is nice for someone is help them study for semester tests. I know a lot of people have trouble thinking of ways to study that work for them, and I think I am pretty good at studying.
ReplyDeleteMy way to pay it forward would be to help someone out in the hallway, like if they drop their books or are being made fun of. I would gladly help someone out in a situation like that. If that doesn't happen then maybe I will just try being nice during a whole day of school, just for Mrs. K.
ReplyDeleteIn the time before school is out I will give someone a ride home without expecting anything in return.
ReplyDeleteAn example of a way to help someone without receiving or expecting anything in return is helping them get things done when they're busy and have a lot to do.
ReplyDeleteIn the future I plan to help out my older brother Tyler, because I have not been in contact with him for long time because he has been away at college and now is returning for the summer. I feel that I should gain back his respect.
ReplyDeleteCarly's Voice By: Arthur Fleischmann
ReplyDeleteThere are several things that I could do help "pay it forward." to the community. One thing I could do to help would be to help others study for tests. Helping others study for tests would be a great thing to do because semester tests are coming up soon and stressing out is beginning. I could help people study by reading the definition and they providing me with the answer.
The last Jihad by: Joel Rosenburg
ReplyDeleteIn the last few weeks of school I will try to help people out. I will help anyone who I see is in need whether it is homework or they dropped their pencil bag. I will bring my composition teacher an apple on the last day of school if I find one along the path to school.
Something I could do to help someone out without expecting anything in return is to pay for someones stuff at a gas station, but probably not if they have a lot of stuff, because I might not have enough money. I would do this because one time someone did this for me. I had a gatorade and some chips at Guppys on the Go and the man in front of me insisted on paying for it and then he told me to "pass it on." I would do it so I could "pass it on" and keep the chain going.
ReplyDeleteDuring the last day of school everyone is in a hurry to get out of there, but instead of heading out early, someone could stay back and help others with their last minute cleaning after everyone has left. There is even an option of helping carrying out their loads of school stuff to their car.
ReplyDeleteThe Sacred Acre By: Mark Tabb
ReplyDeleteI always love to help people out, I feel like its the best thing you can do to somebody! In the next couple of weeks I am going to mow my neighbor's lawn so then she doesn't have to pay somebody to do it.
I could help someone of a lower class with school work
ReplyDeleteScot Westerfeld
A way I could "pay it forward" in the upcoming weeks is to help my brother and dad out by doing chores by myself. I have been working a lot lately so I haven't done chores lately so it would help them out greatly.
I will help my parents more around home. I am hardly ever home because of work but I will help more.
ReplyDeleteI could help someone struggling with learning something or help them with a simple tasks, and they could step up and help someone they usually wouldn't, and people could all help each other with the simple things everyday.
ReplyDeleteThe Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
ReplyDeleteThe easiest way to pay it forward would be for me to just be nicer to everyone but I don't see that happening, especially for a long period of time, so it would be best for me to just do one important thing. It would be difficult to find some random person in Iowa who truly needed help, so I would just help my mom with something important around the house (surprise, I know) because she has been really busy lately, and she would not expect it.
Something I would do would be of benefit to younger middle or high schoolers. If I saw someone after school or after a practice waiting for a ride, I could offer to give them a ride. Even if I had to go out of my way, it would be of help to them, and they wouldn't have to repay me in any way.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading Frostbite by Richelle Mead. I would probably surprise my Dad by doing all the chores in the morning. I would get up around 4:30 am and turn his alarm off so he could sleep in. Then, I would do all the chores and wake him up in time for him to get ready and go to work. I would also make him breakfast.
ReplyDeleteWalk Two Moons by Sharon Creech
ReplyDeleteThe best way for me to help pay it forward would be to help my brother with his homework along with trying to help other people that would need help. The reason i would help my brother is because he struggles with his home work. So this would help him. This is how I could help pay it forward.
All Together Dead By Charlaine Harris
ReplyDeleteI might help someone by helping them with homework, or helping them catch up with school if they had missed a few days. I can also help my mom out by making dinner or picking up my siblings after various activities.
To pay it forward i am going to be very nice to people, and i ever see a bully i am
ReplyDeletegoing to stand up for the person getting bullied, and then i wil get a teacher. I would help him out right there, but violence is never the answer. I will also help everyone to make a great community, and i want to make everyone be friends, without and hostility between classmates.
Redwall - BRian Jaques
ReplyDeletei would help people with anything i noticed they were struggling with or if they were in trouble i would help them.
Wicked by Sara Shepard
ReplyDeleteSomething ultra-small I could do for someone else would be to open the door for people when they're going to class or if they have their hands full. It's just a small thing that might make someone's life easier at least for a little bit.