Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let's Review...

Write a review of the most recent book you have completed. Use the following as guidelines:

Be honest: Give your review personality and remember that people want to know what you REALLY think.

Be detailed: Tell us exactly what you liked or didn't. Was it a story you couldn't put down? Were the characters just like people you know? What made it special or not so special?

Be accurate: Be sure to get the title, author, and character names right, plus double-check your spelling and grammar. Nobody wants to read something that doesn't make sense or has the wrong information.


  1. Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
    I am not done with this book yet, but i really like it so far. I like reading it because I like learning about how farms were ran back then, since it takes place back before cars and tractors and other things. Also it involves farming, which I very much enjoy. The main character so far is Almanzo. He is 8 and has an older brother and two older sisters. Almanzo is not old enough to fully work on the farm yet so he can only do little jobs.
    This book is very interesting and I would like to continue reading it.

  2. The Sacred Acre – Mark Tabb

    This non-fictional story is about the Great Coach, Ed Thomas, and his path to creating a great dynasty with the Aplington Parkersburg Falcons football team and community. Unfortunately devastation hit and the Thomas family was separated by an EF5 tornado and another unexpected trauma event. The thing I personally liked the most about this book is that it took place in my home state of Iowa. I didn’t want to put the book down because I had so many ties with the book already. The main character is Ed Thomas but there rest of the Thomas family also plays a large roll in this book.

  3. The Game of My Life by Mark Mathabane and Jason McElwain

    The Game of My life is an autobiography about Jason McElwain who is an autistic boy and is the manager of the varsity basketball team at his high school and gets the chance to play in the senior night basketball game and did very good.
    There wasn't one thing i disliked about the book except how it was slow at some parts. It was the best when Jason was telling his life story and talking abou the game. The book was more boring when Mark Mathabane was telling the story. It wasn't a book that i wasn't able to put down though.
    Jason was kind of like some of the people i know because from Valley, we know what it's like to be around someone who is autistic. Jason is the same way. The book was also special because of his condition and to see a person like Jason do something so amazing is really something special.

  4. The book Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen is about two friends Halley and Scarlett. Scarlett is known as the popular one while Halley is the quiet one. Halley has always gone to Scarlett when she needs help, but everything changes the summer before their junior year. Scarlett's boyfriend is killed in a car accident and she later finds out she is pregnant with his baby. The book talks about the struggles of being a pregnant teenager and some of the problems they have to overcome together. I really enjoyed this story and had a hard time putting the book down. I thought the book was interesting because its all about problems that occur for real life teens. I think the story line of this book made it special because its a unique and tragic story.

  5. The Sacred Acre By Mark Tabb
    This book is about the tornado that went through Parkersburg and destroyed everything. The book is like a tribute to Ed Thomas's life. The family writes the book to tell about the life of Ed. I havent finished the book so this all I know so far.

  6. Love in the Afternoon
    Lisa Kleypas

    The heroine of this book writes letters under a false pretense to a gentleman serving in the war as a sharpshooter . Beatrix never believed she had a chance of getting Christopher to even like her as she is an unconventional woman and her family is unconventional as well. Yet Chris has fallen in love with the women who wrote those letters to him and after learning about the deception he is exceedingly vexed. I loved reading this book and have finished it in under 24 hours I had issues with even attempting to put the book down.

  7. Crossed by Ally Condle

    I really enjoy reading Crossed. It is the sequel to Matched. It reminds me of Uglies, where there is a dominate society and star-crossed lovers. It doesn't seem original to me. At times, the book can get monotonous and boring, but it still managed to keep my attention by switching from Ky's to Cassia's point of view. There are a couple new characters with exciting personalities introduced. The situation in Crossed wasn't relatable although Matched was somewhat. However, overall, I would recommend Crossed to anyone looking for book to cuddle up with.

  8. The Lost World by Michael Crichton.

    The most recent book I have finished was The Hunger Games. I liked the book because the author took the time to describe every characters personalities and made you get to know them, and then subsequently had them killed. It also creates a lot of suspense and makes the reader want the characters to survive.

  9. Defiantly Dead By Charlaine Harris
    This book is about a barmaid names Sookie whose life becomes complicated after she gets involved in the lives of the supernatural. She learns more than other humans know and is constantly in harms way trying to help. I liked this book because it was interesting. It was not like other books that I have read, and I enjoy reading books with plots that could never happen in real life.

  10. Something Borrowed- Emily Griffin
    I recently read Stiff by Mary Roach. It was a non-fiction book about all the different things human cadavers are used for. Generally, it was an interesting book, but not one that I couldn’t put down. Each chapter was about a different topic such as cadavers being used for organ transplant or cadavers being used as crash test dummies. There was about three chapters in the book that I could have skipped because I found them dry and boring, such as the one describing cadavers used in the army. It was just personal preference. The good part about the book was it didn’t need to be read cover to cover. A person could jump around and find chapters that interested them. Overall, Mary Roach did an excellent job taking a subject that could be repulsive and lightened the mood by making periodic, appropriate jokes. The book was special because it was educational and entertaining.

  11. Rucker Park Setup-Paul Volponi.
    In this book Mackey and J.R. are best friends who are trying to become star basketball players. They join a new team and participate in the tournament. They won there first game and gained a ton of confidence hoping that they can win the whole thing and beat the defending champions who are very good.

  12. I’m reading A Lady’s Guide to Improper Behavior by Suzanne Enoch.
    I read the book Divergent by Veronica Roth. I like the intricate setting and the relatable characters the best. The book is set in the future and describes in detail a brand new world that has sprouted up on the current United States. I think the different factions the characters are in make this book special and unique. Roth describes the four factions of people in this world. The factions include Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Erudite (the intelligent), and Abnegation (the selfless). I think the factions and how the people have only one major goal in life is really interesting. The main character is Beatrice or Tris. Beatrice and her brother are extremely relatable and they remind me of my brother and myself. Beatrice is sixteen-years-old and has to make a major decision in her life. This decision is which faction should she be a part of. Beatrice has to choose between her family and a whole new faction. The decision is permanent and forever. If she chooses to leave her family she might never see them again. I like the action in the book after Beatrice chooses the faction that she will belong to and her initiation into the Dauntless faction. One thing I didn’t like about the book was the middle section lacked adventure and sometimes was just filler. Although, it was hard to put the book down with the initiation, her romance with her teacher Four, and the suspicion of a war. This book is very good and the next page is always unexpected.

  13. Saving Private Ryan
    Max Alan Collins
    The book was based on a true story about an army platoon in World War II. Sgt. Miller was instructed that his group had to get Pvt. Ryan and send him home. They go through multiple battles with the Germans and finally find him. The final battle requires them blowing up a bridge and Sgt. Miller dying in the battle. I really liked the book and since I don't enjoy reading at all, I was very surprised at how well it kept my attention.

  14. Clive Cussler/ Crescent Dawn
    I got done reading a book called "Spartians Gold." I would give it 4 stars out of ten, for its creative mystery and adventure. The book always kept me guessing what the two main characters where going to do, or what new piece they would find to solving the mystery. Now the mystery wasn't just about of the los twine cellar of Napoleon, no it had several mysterious being solved at once. It kept me on my toes the whole time!

  15. Haunted Sister by Lael Littke
    This is a story about a teenage girl named Janine, who was in a car accident where she almost died. In the book, she has a near-death experience and claims to have went to heaven, saw her dead relatives, and came back to life. For some reason she recalls seeing a girl that looks exactly like her. She finds out it's her twin sister that died when they were four. Her sister now haunts her body and refuses to leave. I enjoyed this book because you don't want to put it down, it stays interesting and catches your attention. New, exciting things are always happening, which is another reason you just can't stop reading it.

  16. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
    This book is about a kid that rides a dragon and kills people. He is fighting another evil dragon rider. Eragon (the kid) needs to use all the help he can get, including his inheritance from his elders. He nearlly fails many times, but he keeps going on and trying really hard.

  17. Extras by Scott Westerfeld
    I think this book is a real "page-turner." It is packed with adventure, mystery, and romance. I don't think it would be a very appropriate book for guys, but I would recommend it for girls. There are no a lot of books like "Extras." It takes place in the future, a hard time period to right about. The things Scott Westerfeld comes up with are so interesting. They are thing I would never thing of. Aya is a typical teenage girl, trying to fit in so most girl could relate. The best part about this book is the story line.

  18. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
    A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron is an absolutely amazing book about a dog finding his purpose. From the first page I was completely hooked. The main character-Bailey-has a great sense of humor, and the fact he was a dog made it even more riveting. I've read books from dog's points of view before, but Bailey was different. He seemed more human and had more emotion than I would imagine dogs to have. I would recommend it to everyone, dog lover or not because everyone should have a chance to find out just what is a dog's purpose.

  19. The Pact by: Jodi Picoult

    The Pact is about a young teenage boy named Chris who is suspected of killing his girlfriend Emily. He eventually gets put in jail because no one believes him that he didn't do it. While reading this book it was hard for me to put it down because I was curious of what was going to happen to Chris with his situations. Although no character in the book relates to anyone I know, these situations do happen in real life. This book is special because it demonstrates what a person will do if they really love someone. I am looking forward to continuing reading this book.

  20. Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech

    Walk Two Moons is about a girl named Salamanca. She has seen it all in life with her mother running away, and her staying with her grandparents. through her life she has seen her mother run away and her dad die. What i didn't like about this book is that its to confusing, it jumps to different subjects throughout the book.

  21. The last book I read was Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. This is the third and last book in the Hunger Games series. The whole series of books follows a main character, Katniss, her friends Peeta and Gale, and the whole community of District 12. These books take place in the future United States after wars broke out. Every year, they have the Hunger Games, in which 2 children from each district must fight to their death. In Mockingjay, Katniss, having already survived two Hunger Games, creates a plan to overthrow the government. I loved how I couldn't put this book down because it kept me wondering what would happen next. The characters act just like normal teenagers do nowadays, but they are much more skilled in defending themselves. This book is special because it ties up everything that has happened in the first two books, and it left me feeling content with the outcome.

  22. Impulse by: Ellen Hopkins

    The book I just finished reading was Fallout by Ellen Hopkins. It's the last book in the Crank series. Autumn, Summer, and Hunter are the main characters in this book. They are all children of Kristina Snow, and the main idea of the book is about how their lives were affected from Kristina's drug abuse and lacking as a mother. I really liked how the book was told from each of their perspectives because it gave me a sense of what each one of them was personally going through. Once I got into reading it, it was hard to put it down.

  23. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
    The Last Song was one of my favorite books to read. I related to it in many ways. I don't relate to the main character, Ronnie, at the beginning of the book, however towards the end she changes some things about herself in which are a lot like me. Even though the ending was really sad I was able to relate the story to my life which made reading it enjoyable. I also liked the love story between Will and Ronnie.

  24. Moneyball by Michael Lewis
    Moneyball can be a confusing book. I enjoyed it because it was interesting to me, but if you are not interested in baseball it would probably not be interesting. It is about the Oakland Athletics and how they are a small market team, but they are still able to be competitive. The book tells about the strategies they use, financially to do this. It was interesting to me, but once again, some people may not find it interesting.

  25. The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is perfect ending to the masterpiece of J. K. Rowling. Everything is wonderfully explained as Harry has his last adventure at Hogwarts. Harry finds all of the horcruxes leading up to an explosive meeting with Voldemort. At Hogwarts, Harry learns how devoted each of his friends and his enemies really are. With many twists and turns all of the way, this book builds up to a fascinating ending while keeping the mystery and intrigue of the wizarding world alive.

  26. The Card Turner By:Louis Sachar

    I thought overall it was a good book. It told the story of Alton Richards and his amazing summer. I liked how it described his life, and how his mom made him do something over the summer. Alton is relatable, because he starts off just like any other high-schooler, and doesn't have any real problems, but by the end finds out how lucky he is just to have a family and be himself.

  27. The Last Thing I Remember By: Andrew Klavan

    Wood's Runner by Gary Paulson had a great story line that really kept me involved. Sam has to find his parents after the British burn down his home. Sam goes meets many people along the way including Coop who saves him from a near death encounter with an Indian. Sam eventually gets to his parents and helps them get free. I enjoyed reading the book and learning about the revolutionary war. Sam was a character that I could relate to because he was a teenage boy that lived in the country.

  28. The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks
    This is one of my favorite books to read. Its a book that many girls my age can relate. They can relate to Ronnie because she is snotty and talks back to her parents like many teenagers. She changes in the middle of the book when she finds out that her dad is going to die soon. She feels bad she acted so rude and wants to take everything she said back. Also her relationship with Will relates to many high school relationships. The ending is sad but this book is a book many high schoolers can relate to. It's a good book and the movie is even better.

  29. The Summer of Skinny Dipping
    By: Amanda Howells

    In the Summer of Skinny Dipping, Mia is spending the summer at the beach house and things have changed for the worse and small events take her back to past summer fun. I liked how Mia was easy to relate to, she was constantly trying to fit in and it figure out what people were thinking. I didn’t like the ending, it surprised me in a good way but it wasn’t how I wanted things to end, which was disappointing for me, but maybe not to others. I read this book online and I read it in class on Wednesday, but one day I started reading at home and I couldn’t go to bed until it was finished. This book was definitely a book worth reading. You never know what’s going to happen and you will be able to relate the friends and family in your book to your own friends and family.

  30. The Sacred Acre By: Mark Tabb

    The book is about a family that lives in Parkersburg, Iowa and there is a EF5 tornado that goes through the town and destroys everything. Its gives a lot of great details about what happened minuets right after the tornado is gone. I like the book because it takes place in Iowa and also deals with a lot of football and I love to watch football. I havent got it finished yet, but so far it is a very great and detailed book!

  31. Real heroes
    By: Marilyn Kaye.
    Real heroes by Marilyn Kaye bring to life the everyday struggles of homosexual people and their families in everyday life. In this book Mr. Logan the P.E. teacher is homosexual as well as Andy's brother. There is and uproar from the community when it is discovered that Mr. Logan is HIV positive. The community is misinformed and believes that their kids will catch the deadly disease from being around Mr. Logan. This book brings to life how misinformed community members can affect the beliefs of young people.

  32. Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
    Safe Haven is about a mysterious girl showing up in a town and nobody knows anything about her or where she came from. She falls in love with a townsmen who tries to figure out her story. When things start unraveling about her past and her future starts to be put together again changes are happening to fast for her to think. She falls in love and finds things she regrets in her life. I enjoyed this story because it never left me wondering what was going to happen next, it was upbeat and I never wanted to put the book down.

  33. Football Genius
    By: Tim Green
    Football Genius by Tim Green is about a boy named Troy that is a very good football player, but doesn't get much playing time because his coaches sun plays the same position. He is not only good at playing the sport, but he can also read the plays when he watches the. His mom happens to have a job for the Atlanta Falcons. He gets to take tours of the stadium, and be sideline for the games. As you get farther into the book, he starts helping the team by reading the other teams plays.
    I liked this book very much, and it was filled with lots of exciting events. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a sports fanatic.

  34. Breaking Dawn
    By: Stephanie Meyer
    I am currently finishing the last book in the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn. I really like this book because i've seen the first part of the movie and after watching it I wanted to finish the second part of the book so I could compare it to the movie. However, after seeing the first part of the movie and reading the book I realize that I've spoiled the book part because I already know what's going to happen. The book is much more detailed.

  35. I am reading Liar, Liar by Gary Paulsen.

    The last book that I read was Hatchet. Its about this character named Brian that gets into a plane crash. Then he has to survive in the wild by himself. I liked how the author Gary Paulsen wrote the book because when i started reading it i never wanted to set the book down. The character in the book made me think of my cousin because of the things that Brian did to stay alive.

  36. Countdown by Deborah Wiles

    The book, Countdown, is about an 11 year old girl, Franny, who lives in a time when the US took extra precautions against the Soviet Union and Cuba. Her family lives on a military base and she attends school and activities with all other "military brats". Her grandfather lives with them, and always creates real uproars about his old memories of war and the effects on their future globally. This book was interesting because I have never read a book about United States/Soviet Union/Cuba conflicts. The main characters were young men and women, which caused some struggle in maintaining the attention of the reader, but the author truly captured the fear of a young person in a time of uncertainty.

  37. Heartbreaker
    By: Julie Garwood

    Heartbreaker tells Laurant, Tommy, and Nick's adventure to capture "Heartbreak". When a mysterious man comes to confess to father Tom, he reveals that he plans to murder Tommy's sister, Laurant. Tommy immediately contacts his best friend, Nick, who works with the FBI. Nick brings his team into the small town in Iowa to save Laurant. As the mystery continues, a relationship builds between Laurant and Nick, although neither of them want to admit it. The book keeps readers on thier toes guessing what will happen next. Wether it be the love between Laurant and Nick or the exciting chase for Heartbreaker before it's too late. I enjoyed to book because it wasn't just another predictable crime novel, it also had a sort of twist with Nick and Laurant's relationship. The events were original and exciting. However, I didn't like how their relationship was drawn out. Throughout the whole book readers get the idea that there is something going on, but the issue is never really addressed until later on in the book. Heartbreaker is a catchy crime-love story.

  38. mrs. Tucket by Gary Paulson

    It is about a kid that gets kidnapped by some Indians and he was saved by a mountain man and he was going to help him get back to his family that was going to organ.

  39. Revelation by Drew Karpyshyn
    I thought that the book was good, but I was willing to wait until the next Wednesday to read the book. The book is about Anderson trying to find out what happened at a military base that was attacked and destroyed. He discovered there was a survivor and they had to avoid mercenaries while finding out who was responsible for the attack.

  40. Gary Paulsen

    Its about a teenage boy with divorced parents so he gets in a bush plane to fly north to his fathers and the planes pilot has a heart attach and dies and brian dosent know how to fly the plane and he tries to land it as best as possible and lands it in a pond in the middle of the forest. Brian gets out of the plane and has to survive till he gets rescued and goes through situations and survives problems then he is found and lives on.

  41. Brisingr
    Christopher Paolini

    I like how Eragon is put in daily situations that takes both strength and mind. He has to be fully prepared for anything that may come up. He is a young man who grew up on a farm that is now forced into the war of his land. He is being trained in the magical way of the elves now that it is his duty to fight. This book held my attention from cover to cover.

  42. Inheritance - Christopher Paolini
    Its the ending to the Inheritance series and probably the most action packed book out of the four books. It was overall a good book but there were some parts that made no sense at all and confused me. I liked the book but Eldest is my favorite book out of all of them.

  43. I am reading a book by Gary pulson the book is called Mr.Tucket
    This book is about a young boy traveling with his family to Organ. During the journey to organ it is Mr.Tucket birthday and his family gets him a brand new rifle. So when he gets this he deiced to stay back a little bit and practice shooting it. Well it turns out that he gets taken by these Indians. He is force to find his way back to his family along the way he has meet up with another guy named Jason Grimes Which teaches Mr. Tucket how to live off the land during the time of trying to find his family. This is a good book and I would sugest it to anyone

  44. Shadow Kiss
    By: Michelle Read

    I like how Rose is put into situations and she freezes because the ghost of a boy that died in front of her is haunting her. She keeps failing her field trests because of it, but Dimitri her Teacher and boyfriend. The revereand and now Lissa is out of her hands and into Eriks hands. Moroi is on the break and all the dhampirs being testd are not going to succeed unless they work together.

  45. Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

    I like this book of the series due to that fact that is suspenseful and keeps you wanting to read more. Every time I finish a chapter and want to go to bed I have to read the next one or I will hold myself back and wait to read it the next day. In the book Rose is still on the run from the Guardians from Court because she was framed for killing their Queen. Every time she ends up in a new place she is on the run again or new obstacles would appear. Eventually she found the last Dragomir and her name was cleared. Her best friend Vasilisa had become queen after having another family member in her family line. Rose now had to face a hard break up with her boyfriend Adrian who she loved but was too much in love with her former teacher Dimitri. Since this book was the last in the series I still always wonder what might happen next.

  46. Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen

    I liked this book because it was exciting and in depth about the lifestyle of someone who is stranded in the wilderness. The book went through Brians every day life, it described all the things he saw and all the things he did. Brian ended up lost in the Canadian wilderness when his small one engine plane crashed the pilot did not survive. He goes through every day life struggling to survive until he begins to understand the best way to survive. The book goes into great detail about his thoughts and feelings during all his good and bad experiences. This is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone looking for an exciting story.

  47. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I loved this book because the feelings were completely real. Hannah Baker, Clay's crush, committed suicide a few weeks before he came home and found a box of tapes on his doorstep after school. He began listening to them, only to hear Hannah's voice. She gave her 13 reasons to why she committed suicide. One tape was dedicated to one person, or reason, why. All except Clay's, that tape was an apology to him. Every page of this book kept me curious and I didn't want to put it down.


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