Since you have just written some excellent poems of your own, this week's blog is about poetry.
Please answer these questions in complete sentences:
1) Have you ever read any poetry for enjoyment (not as an assignment), or have you ever had to read a poem for an assignment, but actually found you enjoyed it? What was the poem or what was it about?
1) Have you ever read any poetry for enjoyment (not as an assignment), or have you ever had to read a poem for an assignment, but actually found you enjoyed it? What was the poem or what was it about?
2) If you had to spend some time reading poetry, what style would you prefer to read, and why? For example, do you like the silly rhyming style, the more serious tear-jerker poems, the free verse (like our small moment poems), the long poems that are more like a story, or another style?
3) What did you think of the poem you came up with for your last assignment? Was it better/worse than you expected? Was it difficult to do?
The Assist by Neil Swidey
ReplyDeleteI have had to read poems as an assignment and i enjoyed the poems i read that had to do with sports. I would prefer the free verse poem style because reading about anything is just fine. It was better than i expected because it was easier than i thought and it was about something i enjoyed and others seemed to enjoy it as well.
My book was Timeline by Michael Crichton. I have never read poetry for enjoyment. If I did read poetry, I think I would like poems similar to the ones William Shakespeare wrote, since I like the use of old english words (thou, art, etc.) in poetry. I think the poem I wrote came out worse then I thought it would and it was harder to write then I thought it would be.
ReplyDeleteThe House of the Scorpion by: Nancy Farmer
ReplyDeleteI do not enjoy reading poems for fun nor have I ever read a poem in school which i have liked. If I had time to spend reading poetry i would read long poems that are tell a story. My small moment poem actually turned out better than I had thought it was going to and it was not a difficult task because the poem was basically your story only shortened.
1) I have read a poem for enjoyment. The book "Falling Up" by Shel Silverstein had many poems in it that I loved. I can't quite remember what they were about but most of them were random.
ReplyDelete2) I would read the more silly or the tear jerker poems because I like to laugh but sometimes I feel I need to be more serious just in case I would need to write a serious poem for a class or if I were to become a poet it would be a good way to start.
3) I thought it was one of my better poems that I have written for a class and that it was better than I expected. It was not difficult to do since I had written a paragraph before-hand to go off of.
The Realms of the Gods By: Tamora Pierce
ReplyDelete1. I have read poetry for enjoyment before, although I can't remember any titles at the moment.
2. Free verse, because there are no rules governing the poem other than it needs to have rythym and rhyme.
3. I'm not particularly fond of my poem, and I still need to put it on the wiki.
I am reading double fudge.
ReplyDeleteNo I don't no read poems for fun I only read them for assingments. If I had to read poems I would read poem like the ones we made the free verse ones. My free verse poem was way better then I thought It would be because Mrs. Krambeer helped me out.
No,but if i had to choose one it would be the silly rhyming ones because they are fun to read. It was okay.
ReplyDeleteSacred Clowns by Tony Hillerman
They are trying to find this schoolboy that ran away and they have a plan on capturing him. But as they are waiting they are talking about the job that heh could have had with the homicide. They started to talk about the teacher that was found dead in another town.
Crash by Jerry Spinelli.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading poetry. I've read poetry for entertainment and I have also read it for assignments and I enjoyed it. I can't remember the title of this poem but I read it in English around Christmas time last year. It was about Christmas and it really put me in the spirit.
I like to read free verse poems and the more serious toned poems. Silly rhyming poems are fun sometimes also.
I thought I did pretty good on my last poem that I wrote. It wasn't difficult for me to do, I used the essay that I wrote as an outline for my poem.
The Blessing way by Tony Hillerman
ReplyDeleteI read a poem about a man who was looking for his long lost bother that he lost through he child hood.It would have to be a rhyming and funny.
It went better than i would thought.
Grand Avenue by Joy Fielding
ReplyDelete1.) Yes, I read a book made up of poems. It was titled "Tricks" and was about four different people being prostitutes.
2.) I'd prefer a poem that was more like a story because I think they are easier to read. Poems that are a story are easier to understand also.
3.) I didn't like how my poem turned out. I couldn't find words that sounded right to me. My poem was worse than I expected it to be, but it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.
Paper Towns by John Green. I have read poetry for enjoyment before. Ellen Hopkins books are written in poetry form and those are some of my favorites to read. I sort of liked my poem I wrote for class even though I think my free-thought poems are better.
ReplyDeleteI am reading The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood.
ReplyDelete1) I don't usually read any poetry for enjoyment. Last year in English 10 we read many poems that I enjoyed. I think I enjoyed them because they were fun poems and they weren't boring, lovey-dovey poems that I always associated poetry with.
2) If I had to read poetry I would prefer to read long poems that are more like a story. I don't usually like reading poetry, so it would be more enjoyable for me if I read poems that were like little stories. I like reading books so that way it would be like reading a mini book instead of reading a poem.
3) I thought I did a good job explaining the little details in my last poem. It wasn't as bad as I expected. It was easier than I thought because I had my paragraphs written out before and I just had to take certain words out.
No I only read poetry if it is assigned. Yes I have read some poems and thought there was much better things I could be doing but turned out being pretty goo. I would rather read a free verse poem, they sound much more of interest to me. The last poem I did I thought was going to be difficult but turned out very easy.
ReplyDeleteJackie's Nine
ReplyDeleteBy Sharon Robinson
I have read very dew poems and, the ones I have read have been for assignments. I did not really enjoy them because I don’t like to write or read poetry. If I had to choose one type it would be the silly rhyming ones because they are easy to read and they make me laugh. The poem for class was not as difficult as I had expected it to be and it was fairly good quality. At least I think my grade could be different than I expected to.
ReplyDeleteBy: Alex Flinn
1) The only poetry I have read for enjoyment was poems by Shel Silverstien. The poems were about ordinary things such as, walking down the street or standing on the scale. They were extremely goofy which made them fun to read. My favorite Shel Silverstien poem was Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda, which is about how a person should change all the woulda-coulda-shoulda’s in life into did’s. The only poem I can remember reading for an assignment that I enjoyed was a poem about a king trying to cure his son. It was a poem in the English 10 book.
2) If I had to spend some time reading poetry I would prefer the silly rhyming style. I get stressed out easily, so when I have time to read I like to read things that make me smile.
3) I thought my poem did a good job expressing what I was trying to get across. I wanted to show the reader how much fun it can be to jet ski, and I believe I did that. My poem ended up being better than I expected. I didn’t think this poem was difficult to do because we only had to cut down from our writing that we had already done. I think it would have been more difficult if we didn’t have the full writing from before.
ReplyDeleteBy: Ellen Hopkins
Ashley Gentz
yes a poem, it was about a woman that was killed and two men that were killed u on the hill but i do not remember the name of the specific poem.
If I had to read poetry I would have to say I would read Ellen Hopkins or Edgar Allen Poe. They have great poems!
I thought the poem was easy I love to write, poems are my favorite to write. The poem that I wrote seemed to me like a great achievement to me!
Armegeddon Summer By: Jane Yolen and Bruce Coville
ReplyDelete1) Yes I have read many poems because we had a small poetry unit in English 10. The one I remember the most was the one where it had one word per a line and it started with “Tractor” and ended with something totally different like “Empire State Building.” I can’t remember what type of poem it was, only that I really enjoyed reading and creating that type of poem.
2) If I were forced to read one type of poetry it would be a poem with a good rhyme scheme, and ended with a big surprise. I enjoy rhyme poems because they catch the reader’s attention and are easy to understand and read. Also a majority of the time the reader will end up with a smile on their face after reading a rhyming poem.
3) I know I could have done better work on poem if I had more time but I was satisfied. It was easy taking all the important things from my paper and putting it into a format of a poem. It ended up being a lot less complicated than I thought when I was first told that we would have to make a poem. I realized I should be happy that I am writing a poem and not a cruddy research paper like later on.
The Sacred Acre by Mark Tabb
ReplyDeleteNo I only read poetry if it is assigned. Yes I have read some poems and thought there was much better things I could be doing but turned out being pretty good. I would rather read a free verse poem, they sound much more of interest to me. The last poem I did I thought was going to be difficult but turned out very easy.
Jackies Nine
ReplyDeleteSharon Robinson
I have read very few poems and, the ones I have read have been for assignments. I did not really enjoy them because I don’t like to write or read poetry. If I had to choose one type it would be the silly rhyming ones because they are easy to read and they make me laugh. The poem for class was not as difficult as I had expected it to be and it was fairly good quality. At least I think my grade could be different than I expected to.
A Dance for Three by Louise Plummer
ReplyDeleteI have never read a poem for enjoyment, but I had to read one for an assignment and I actually enjoyed it because it was about basketball. I like poems that are more like a story because I understand them better. I thought my poem was pretty good and better than I expected. It wasn't very difficult for me to write.
LA Candy By: Lauren Conrad
ReplyDelete1. I actually do love reading poetry on my own time. The poems I enjoy are just ones that I can relate to the most, with my different thoughts and such.
2. Probably more serious, and relative poems. I like silly stuff, but I would have more interest on reading poems on more serious topics, just my own personal preference.
3. I thought the last poems we wrote were quite easy. I almost wish I would have picked a different topic, but I'm fine with it overall.
Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill
ReplyDelete1. No, I don't like to read poetry, and I have yet to find a poem that I like.
2. If I had to read a poem, I would prefer one that read like a story.
3. It was about what I expected of my self. It was really easy too.
Extras by Scott Westerfeld
ReplyDeleteI've never read a poem for fun, but I have had to for school. I don't really enjoy any of them, but I think it would be okay if they told more of a story. I don't like the ones where you have to think about the secret meaning behind it. I thought my poem was better than I expected, but it didn't really sound like a poem. It sounded more like a story. I thought it was difficult to do. I'm not good at choosing stuff to take out of my writings.
Revelation by Drew Karpyshyn.
ReplyDeleteI have never read poetry for enjoyment. If I had to read poetry I would prefer the funny stuff. I don't think my poem was very good. It wasn't really hard to do but I didn't know what I was doing.
Change of Heart by: Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteI don't usually read poetry, but I have read it for assignments and ended up enjoying it. I don't remember what the poem was about exactly but i did like it. If I had to read poems I would choose to read free verse poems like the ones we wrote, because they can be about anything. My poem turned out better then I expected, it took me awhile to get started but after that it was pretty easy.
The Pact by Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteI have read poems for an assignment that I have enjoyed reading. I like the silly rhyming poems because they are easier to read then other poems. I liked how my poem turned out. I thought it was short and detailed. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.
ReplyDeleteBy: Sarah Dessen
1) I have read poems for an assignment and found out I like them. Other than assignments I don't find myseld reading poems, so I don't have any favorites.
2) My favorite type of poem would have to be free verse, I like when the write does whatever they want. I enjoy reading something and thinking about why they wrote the poem the way they did.
3) I thought my poem for small moments was not my best work, but one of the better poems of my time. I always think that my poems rock but that other people won't think the same thing about it. I thought the poem was extremely easy to write only because I think writing poems isn't very difficult, especially free verse poems. That was I dont have to think about proper grammer, usage, and mechanics.
127 Hours by Aron Ralston
ReplyDeleteI can't remember any names of poems I have liked. There have probably been a couple, not too many though. I do remember they were by Shel Silverstein.
I like silly rhyming poems because they are not boring to read.
My poem I wrote was not very good. I did not expect it to be very good though. It was not very hard because I just took lines from my other writing and put them in the poem. That is probably why my poem wasn't very good.
I Am The Messenger
ReplyDeleteBy: Markus Zusak
1) I've read poems by Shel Silverstein for enjoyment. I only remember the name of one "Runny Babbit." I loved that poem, and I remember memorizing it. I liked the poem "Jabberwocky" that we read in Jr. High. I thought it was awesome the way the author made up words and created a poem out of them. I like poetry, even the assigned stuff, I just tend not to read it on my own time.
2) I like silly rhyming poems the best. Limericks are my favorite. I like humor, and I like to laugh. I also think rhyming just sounds cool.
3) I thought my poem was kind of stinky. It didn't seem to make complete sense, and I felt like it needed complete sentences. Regardless, it turned out better than I expected and was much easier to do than I thought.
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen: Yes, i have read poems for enjoyment, my favorite author of my poem i read is Shel Silverstein. I have had poems for assignments but i've always enjoyed Shel Silvesteins poems.
ReplyDeleteCrash: Jerry Spinelli
ReplyDeleteI have had to read a poem for a class before. I didn't think I would like it but I actually ended up enjoying it. The poem was about football, I enjoy reading about sports.
If I had to spend time reading poems I would have to go with the rhyming poems. They seem so much easier to read and they are much more enjoyable.
The poem in class wasn't to bad. It ended up being a lot better then I had expected. It was kind of difficult at the beginning but it got easier as I went a long.
After Ever After by: Jordan Sonnenblick
ReplyDeleteIf I have to pick something to read I usually don't pick poems but I have had to read poems for assignments. There are some poems I enjoy and others not so much.
If I were to read poems I would like the silly, crazy poems that are written in weird forms or are made up in a picture because they are more interesting. Free verse ones that tell a story aren't bad either.
After I came up with my topic I realized it wasn't as small of a moment that it should have been. I thought my poem could have been better and it would have been more fun if it was about something else because when we first started I didn't know we were going to turn them into poems so i wrote about something I could write a lot about. It was easier then what I thought, as long as you had a lot of writing to work with beforehand.
Woods Runner by Gary Paulson
ReplyDelete1)No, I don't read poetry if it isn't assigned. Last year in English 10 I read a poem about the farm and I really enjoyed it.
2)I like the free verse poems because they all are unique.
3)I thought that my poem did a good job describing how I felt on each stage of the trip I was on. The small moments poem we wrote in class was better and easier than I expected.
Card Turner
ReplyDeleteBy: Louis Sachar
I have never read poetry for enjoyment. I have for assignments though, and I did enjoy them. They were ether humorous or sports related. I would like story poetry because I don't get as much detail out of short poems. The poem I wrote was better than I expected, but it was difficult to reduce a story into a short poem.
Killer: A Pretty Little Liars Novel by Sara Shepard
ReplyDelete1. I have read poetry for enjoyment from elementary school to the present. I like to read poems by Shel Silverstein, he is my favorite poet for comical poetry. I have also read poetry by Edgar Allen Poe for both school and enjoyment. The Cask of Amontillado was about revenge and death by revenge.
2. I like to read silly rhyming poems or free verse poetry most of all. I like a poem that makes me laugh, and when that happens I have something to share with my friends. When I read free verse it is usually a long story, like in Sonya Sone's books.
3. I like to write poetry, so I think my poem was easy to write. I don't think it was much of a challenge because I enjoyed coming up with lines and arranging the poem. I hope other people liked reading it!
Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
ReplyDelete1) I don't read poetry on my own, but I have found that I liked some of the poems we read in English 10, but I don't remember the names of them.
2) If I had to read more poetry I would choose to read the silly rhyming poems, just because the seem to catch my attention better than the rest.
3) I did not like the poem I wrote, but it was not as bad as I thought and was not that difficult to do.
Brian's Winter
ReplyDeleteBy: Gary Paulsen
I have never read a poem for enjoyment. If I were to read a poem for enjoyment it would probably be a longer one, because they are more like stories. My poem was worse than I expected it was very hard to word it right.
Michael Crichton/ Pirate Latitudes
ReplyDeleteI once read a poem while waiting in a waiting room at the doctors. It was very interesting to me. It was about life was difficult at times, and how to pull through. It wasn't even that long of a poem, all it did was make you think about your own life.
I like free verse poems, because lots of average people write them. It's always nice to read something from a non-professional person.
I think it was better than i expected, i thought it wouldn't make any sense.
Fallout by: Ellen Hopkins
ReplyDelete1) I have read poetry for enjoyment before. I like to read poems that tell a story or ones that are more serious and emotional. I've enjoyed some of the poems we've read in school before, but I don't remember what they were called.
2) I like the long poems that tell a story sometimes because the book that I'm reading is set up as a bunch of poems put together. It's fun to read that way because it's short and to the point.
3) I thought the poem I wrote wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I think I used a lot of description words to make it more clear to read. It wasn't too difficult to do because I just took some small chunks from my narrative and summed it up into a poem, adding more details when I wrote it.
No Second Chance
ReplyDeleteHarlan Coben
I usually don't read poetry unless it is assigned. I used to love it when I was younger but I don't read it much anymore.
When reading poetry I prefer the longer writings that tell a story. I feel like longer ones keep me more focused.
I thought writing a poem from a writing was difficult, but the poem turned out better than I thought it would. What I liked about the poem was that it told the same story only in a different way than the same old paragraph.
I’m reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. Yes, I have read poetry for enjoyment. I was surprised I could actually understand was the poet was trying to express. The poem I remember reading was about how everything is summer is sandwiched together. It explained how all the events in summer make it such a great season. If I had to spend some time reading poetry, I world probably choose free verse. I like that free verse has less rules and I think it flows better. I also like to read Haiku because it takes a lot of work to follow the rules. It shows how clever the author is. I liked the poem I wrote because it helps me remember that day. My poem turned out better than I thought it would and it wasn’t hard to do with the all the prewriting we did.
ReplyDeleteThe Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
ReplyDeleteI have never read any poetry for enjoyment because I have never enjoyed any poetry assignments that were given in a class.
If I did have to spend time reading poetry it would definitely be the silly rhyming style because at least I would be able to have a good laugh about it.
The poem for my last assignment I thought turned out really well because it made sense it flowed well and people enjoyed it. It was also not difficult to do either so that made it even better.
ReplyDeleteBy: Mike Lupica
I only have worked with poem's when teachers assign them and it was actually fun, I like writing poems better then writing essays. I like free verse poems better because most of them are short and sweet. I also like when teachers make us ready silly poem's because I like to laugh and keep me intertained. At first when you told us we were going to write a poem I was like oh man, but it was actually pretty easy. I think that the poem I came up with was great and got right to the point.
Silver Fin
ReplyDeleteCharlie Higson
I like poetry its easy and is done in many styles. I had to read one in this class which was "joyride" and I enjoyed that one.
Rhyming because its funny and faster to read.
It was easier than expected.
A Season ON The Mat- Nolan Zavoral
ReplyDeleteI have never read poetry just for fun, but i have read a item if poetry for an assignment and ended up liking it.
If i were to read a section of poetry i would probably read a short poem. I would rather read a short poem than a long poem. I find long poems boring.
Brians Hunt.
ReplyDeleteGary Paulson.
No i have never read poetry for fun. It would have to be funny and fun to read. It was amazing and easy to write.
Saving Private Ryan
ReplyDeleteMax Alan Collins
I have never read poetry for my own enjoyment because I don't enjoy reading. If I did read poetry, I would want to read funny poems. The poem was worse than I expected it would be.
June Rae Wood: The Man Who Loved Clowns
ReplyDelete1) Yes I read Falling Up in Middle School for fun and enjoyed it a little.
2)The silly rhyming kind
3) I thought it turend out better then it would have, and it wasn't that hard to do.
The Son of Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs
ReplyDeleteI usually don't find I enjoy poetry unless it is funny or is pretty much written for kids. I find other poetry to be too serious and I don't like to think about the hidden meanings. So the answer is no, I haven't read a poem for an assignment that I enjoyed because, as I remember, they have all been serious.
I like funny, silly poems because they are really creative and they seem different in an interesting way. I also like ones that tell a story because they usually rhyme and they usually aren't too serious.
I thought my poem was okay. It had an interesting story to tell and some parts were written creatively, but some were just kind of boring. I can't decide if it was easy or hard because some inspirations just came to me and other ideas I just had to live with and that usually eats up some time before and I can decide that I might as well be satisfied with what I have. I say that because poems always have room to add more creativity or twists.
The Isle of the Blessed by Nancy Farmer
ReplyDeleteI don't mind reading poems because there are so very good ones out there.
The kind that are pretty long and flow nicely.
I think I could have done a lot better on it than what I did.
I am reading house party by Eric Walters
ReplyDelete1) I do read some poems for fun but not very often. Most of the time when I read poems it to my cousins other wise not very much.
2) If I had to read poems for class. I would read poems that make me feel good but also very funny.
3) At first I thought it was hard but once I got writing it wasn't that hard at all for me to come up with one. I actually like creating poems rather then read them.