What is your process when picking out a book to read? Do you choose strictly by recommendation? Do you stick with only books of a certain genre? Do you read the dust jacket blurb or the first or last few pages before selecting a book? Do you browse through the library and pick something out that "looks good"? Explain your criteria for picking out a book to read (for enjoyment--not talking about required reading here).
Saving Private Ryan
ReplyDeleteMax Allan Collins
I choose a book by first seeing if the cover looks interesting and if the title sounds like something i would want to read. After that, I will read the summary on the back of the book which let's me decide quickly if I want the book or not.
Uglies By: Scott Westerfeld
ReplyDeleteI do judge a book by it's cover usually only because I'm really picky about what I read, in a way that there isn't a lot of different selections I like to read. I will also be more attracted to a book if the cover seems interesting and has a lot of color and illustrations going on. It mostly depends on what the book is about though.
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer.
ReplyDeleteI do judge a book by its cover because if the book looks old, worn out, and has small print with a lot of pages it simply looks boring to me.
SilverFin by Charlie Higson
ReplyDeleteI read all sorts of books. This one is a second read. I usually read books that look decent on the cover. I like to read the back and if its interesting i'll usually read it.
I am reading A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. I sometimes judge books by their covers. If I don't think the book has an interesting title or good picture on the front, I won't pick it up. After picking up a book that I think looks interesting, I read the section on the jacket to see if it's a book that I want to read.
ReplyDeleteThe Assist by Neil Swidey
ReplyDeleteI judge a book by its cover sometimes. If its about sports on the cover or just something i find intriguing, then i would read it right away. If it didn't, i would have to read a little about the book first.
I am reading Timeline by Michael Crichton. When I choose a book, I usually make my decision based on the books genre, any recommendations my friends have made, or the title of the book.
ReplyDeleteBrians Hunt, Gary Paulsen.
ReplyDeleteI choose mostly by how good the cover looks, and if its a type of book I like to read about.
Flash Burnout by L.K. Madigan. I do judge books by the cover; if a books cover doesn't look interesting I feel as if I won't find the book interesting. Its hard not to judge something by it's cover...That's the way we were raised.
ReplyDeleteI am reading the book A Season On The Mat by Nolan Zavoral. I sometimes do judge a book by it's cover, because if there is something girly or something not of my interest on the front of the cover, i will probably not pick it out. There are sometimes that i pick out a book that i don't think i would like because of the cover, and i end up liking it though.
ReplyDeleteI read Crash by Jerry Spinelli. When choosing a book from a library or classroom, I first look at the title. If it looks interesting to me I read the back, or inside summary. If the summary interests me, I read the first page or so to see if I will like the book.
ReplyDeleteMichael Crichton- Pirate Latitudes
ReplyDeleteI usually look at titles and pictures on the book. If the title is in some way mysterious, funny, or interesting i then will go and read what the summery is on its inside dust cover. I will even attempt to read books, that have been recommended by others.
A Dance for Three by Louise Plummer
ReplyDeleteWhen I look for a book I read the summary on the back or on the inside of the cover on the book. I don't choose strictly by recommendation because sometimes the people who recommend it don't like the same kind of books as me. I do read the blurbs, and sometimes the first page but not usually the last page. I do pick out something that looks good and not boring. When I look for a book to read I usually look for mystery or drama books because that's what I enjoy the most to read.
I am reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. When i go to pick out a book i would read the back of the book, if it gets my interest i will read that book.
ReplyDeleteWinston Churchill- The Second World War, Their Finest Hour.
ReplyDeleteI choose by looking at the title and author and if they sound interesting, i pick it.
I do not choose by recommendation all of the time.
I do not read all of the same genre.
I just pick up a book and check it out to read.
Yes, I pick books that look good.
I just look at books and pick them to read, and don't have many criteria.
I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
ReplyDeleteI usually look for a certain genre or author. Then I read the summary on the back and decide if it sounds good. Other times I just look at the covers for anything that looks interesting. I never read the last pages, but I usually read the first few. My criteria is simple. I look at the size of font and see how many pages there are, I don't like little print. I don't like reading old english or books with super big words in them.
Words by Heart
ReplyDeleteBy: Ouida Sebestyen
I either choose an ITA nominee or an Historical Fiction with an interesting cover. The book usually isn't over 275 pages because i get bored with a long story. If i don't find a book that meets this criteria i walk around the library and browse this usually leeds me o my less popular books picking a book out for me is not rocket science.
Operation Yes by Sara Lewis Holmes
ReplyDeleteWhen I pick out a book to read I go to the teen section of library and try to find a book that catches my attention.
I do not choose my recommendation.
Yes, I stick with only books of a certain genre.
I read the jacket blurb to get a feel for what I will be reading.
No, I pick a book with a title that catches my eye. I usually go for something with the girl/guy romance theme.
Woods Runner: Gary Paulson
ReplyDeleteWhen I pick out a book to read I usually pick a book that is displayed in the library on top of the shelves. These books are usually liked by the person who put them there. I like to make my selection by reading the back and front cover of the book. These covers tell me what the book is about. If I see another person reading a book that I think I might like I will be more likely to read the book that they were reading.
Fallout by Ellen Hopkins.
ReplyDeleteIf the cover of a book doesn't look appealing, I don't usually pick it up. If a book cover catches my eye, I'll pick it up and see if it looks good.
The Sacred Acre by Mark Tabb
ReplyDeleteWhen I am picking a book I look for books that I think I might like. Once I find one that I think I will like, I read the little summary inside the cover. If it sounds good then I read it. I don't like to read the first pages because books can sometimes start out boring, but actually be good. I usually do like the ones that I pick.
Brian's Winter, Gary Paulsen
ReplyDeleteI look at the cover and decide if it is a good choice fro what I see, I do take into consideration of what other people tell me about a book. I usually read books of a similar genre, I sometimes read the dust jacket but most of the time I don't. I browse through the library and pick up the first book with and interesting author and cover.
ReplyDeleteBy: Walter Meyers
I look around and find books with interesting titles, covers, or descriptions. I read most of my books by others recommendation. I will read almost any genre many things will entertain me. Yes I read some before selecting the book. Yes if it looks dusty or beat up I usually won't read it. I usually like the book to be in good condition and have a cover that looks interesting.
Wicked: A Pretty Little Liars Novel by Sara Shepard
ReplyDeleteI don't normally pick out a book by recommendation, although my current book goes against the normality. I usually find a book with an exciting or alluring title because a book with a great title will usually be a great book to read. The author has already filled the book with an addictive plot so the title should come out as naturally exciting. I don't stick with any certain genre, although I do have favorites. Usually if the title grabs my interest I take time to read the jacket blurb. I never read the last pages of a book. In my opinion, it ruins the entire book and destroys what the author tried so hard to preserve. Books I pick usually aren't dusty or have boring or bad illustrations on the jacket or cover. I pick out a book that I would feel well reading, a book that is in good condition and isn't too old. I do read old books occasionally, but I usually stick to pretty current authors and books. Overall, the book must have a good title, be in manageable condition and have dynamic cover art, and have been written within the last 100 years.
Heat Mike Lupica
ReplyDeleteWhen picking out books I look for a author that someone has told me about or have read one of their books and liked them. I dont always pick a book if someone tells me to read it. I like to stick with books that have to deal with sports or have a lot going on. Reading the back of the book helps me to decide if its my type or not. I dont like to pick out books that look cool because I end up not liking the book. I go to the sports section or the adventure section and read the bock of the books and see if I like whats going on in the book or if it interests me.
Brian's Hunt Gary Paulson
ReplyDeleteI usually pick books based on if it is a series. If it has more then one I will read the first one to decide if I want to finish the rest of the series. If I really enjoyed the first one I will read on until the series doesn't capture my attention any more.
Change of Heart by: Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteWhen I pick out a book I always read the back or inside cover to decide if I will like the book. I will go by recommendations and the way a book looks will also help make my decision. Once I find an author that I like I will read most of their books. I don't stick to a certain genre because I like to read different kinds of books.
After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick
ReplyDeleteUsually I pick a book and read the back of the cover or the inside to see a summary of what it's about and if I like it then I check it out. I also pick some books that friends recommend. There are some genre's I never read but I don't just stick with one I have a couple types of genre's I enjoy.Yes the jacket and inside of the book is how I base my book choice off of.The picture on the front of the cover also plays a role in picking out a book.The pictures stick out and grab my attention to the book.Also the books I read aren't very big, I don't read much and I'm not a fast reader so big books would take me forever to read.
Cloaked By: Alex Flinn
ReplyDeleteI almost always judge books by their cover. The reason I do this is because I feel like the cover gives me enough information to tell me if the book is worth my time or not. So if the cover looks appealing to me I will read the jacket blurb. If the blurb interests me I will read the book. However, the main way I choose which book I am going to read is by author. Once I find an author I enjoy reading I will read nearly all of the books they have written. When I am done with a certain author I will find a new one by judging books by their cover.
After by Amy Efaw
ReplyDeleteI begin looking for a book based on other books that I have read with the same type of story line. Then I look at the front and if it catches my eye I read the summary. Then if that make me want to read more I pick that book.
The Son of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
ReplyDeleteWhen I chose a book, my main criteria is the author. I check to see if the author is well known or if they have written other books I've enjoyed. Next, to narrow it down further, I look at the cover because I can usually tell by the title if it's a book I want to read. I also look at the illustrations on the cover because some illustrations give you a hint as to the quality of the book. The next thing I do is read the summary on the back. This tells me whether the plot of the story sounds interesting. The only time I don't follow these criteria, is when I'm assured that I will enjoy a certain book.
Vanishing Acts by: Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteWhen picking out a book to read I first check out the title, author, cover and the blurb on the back cover. I do not choose a book strictly by recommendation but I do consider them. I don't stay with exactly one genre but I do prefer certain types over others. I always read the jacket blurb before choosing a book. Depends on the book but I usually do pick out a book because it "looks good". The main things that I use when choosing a book is the back blurb and reviews.
I usually read what is recommended. I will also look for books by an author I like. I look at the jacket blurb. I take a long time to find a book unless I have something in mind. I only read a book if it is part of a series i like or the first chapter is really good.
ReplyDeleteCrash: Jerry Spinelli
ReplyDeleteI look at the cover or the picture on the cover. I usually just pick a random book. I only read adventure or mystery books. I usually read the back of the book to see if its interesting. I browse until i see a book that catches my eye. The book must have some kind of action in it or something exciting going on, otherwise its boring.
The Pact by: Jodi Picoult
ReplyDeleteMy process of picking out a book is normally by the title or by the author. I normally choose books that I am interested in. I generally read books that are in the same genre. I read the dust jacket blurb before selecting a book. I browse through the library and pick out a book that to me looks good. My criteria of picking out a book is for enjoyment or for learning something.
Sacred Acre by Mark Tabb
ReplyDeleteI always judge a book by it's cover. I decide if I like the book by the cover. If I like the cover I might read the blurb inside but rarely do I read that. I also try to look for an author that I have heard someone say something good about. From there I just pick what interests me.
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
ReplyDeleteYes, I do judge a book by its cover because a lot of the time if i see some sort of corny picture or title on the book I will think it's not worth my time to read. Also, if the book looks sorta of mystical or fantastical I will pick it up and read it.
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
ReplyDeleteI am constantly judging a book by it's comer. When the cover does not look at least a little bit interesting then I usually do not bring the book home. If the cover is somewhat interesting and it has a good title then I will give it a try, but if the cover is plain then I will not bring it home to read.
I am reading the book Divergent by Veronica Roth. When first picking out a book I listen to my friend’s recommendations and then look at the book’s popularity. Next, I usually read the dust jacket blurb or look it up online to see if this is a book I will like. Then, I skim almost all the chapters of the book to see if I will like the book. I do this before sitting down to actually read the whole book.
ReplyDeleteI am reading After by Amy Efaw. Yes, I sometimes judge a book by its cover. If the book has a neat, nice cover then I would be more likely to read the book then if it has a shabby cover. I also judge a book by its title, whether it’s creative or interesting. The appearance of a book is extremely important.
ReplyDeleteThe Bleessing Way by Tony Hillerman
ReplyDeleteIts about a polices Lieutenant that ask Joe Leaphorn help to solve a murder that happen. Joe think that the murder was a supernatural murder and want another point of view on what happen. But Joe couldn't help the polices Lieutenant. As the polices officer investigates the case it leads him into a dark place and why the man that was murder fear that place.
Dalton sande.
ReplyDeleteToday I read Danger Zone. When I look for a book to read I look at the cover, and I also look at how many pages there are. Sometimes I read the summary about the book and see who the author is.
Armegddan By: Jane Yolen and Bruce Coville
ReplyDeleteWhen I pick out a book I usually take the time to find the best one for me. If I am in a hurry to find something to read I tend to judge a book by its cover. Other things I use to judge a book is the summary's that are on the book.
I usually pick something that someone recommends to me, or read the inside cover. Yes, most of the time I do. I usually read from the same kind of books. They are most books that are a little different, like Twilight or the Uglies series. I read the dust jacket blurb. Yes, I look for something that appeals to me. I like to pick out books that have a mixture of action and romance.
ReplyDeleteAmong The Enemy by Margaret Peterson Haddix
ReplyDeleteWhen I pick out a book I like to look at the cover and read the back of the book . If the cover interest me I like to read a few pages. I also like to see what the book is about before i go and pick it out, so I know what I am going to look forward to in reading the book.
First Test
ReplyDeleteTamora Pierce
I do not judge a book by its cover, otherwise half the books I've read I wouldn't have. I judge the book by what the back of the book or the inside cover says. If I'm in B&N I find myself looking at ones with interesting covers or books that my favored authors recommend.
ReplyDeleteEllen Hopkins
Ashley G.
Wow! This book is amazing! I never thought that I would read a book like this one. It wasn't really an eye opener, I mean I didn't understand why anyone would choose Glass for a title of a teen novel about some girl that does drugs. But when I got to reading it it was a great book. I guess I did judge the book by the cover, until I started to read it. This book is awesome!
Isle of the Blessed by: Nancy Farmer
ReplyDeleteI read all sorts of books. I usually read books that look pretty good on the cover. I like to read the first chapter of the book to see if it is good.